Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Upcoming High School Dates

Monday, January 20, 2020
The Environmental Stewardship class needs your help! Please take our surveys!


There are lots of upcoming high school dates in the new year! Here are a few that have been confirmed. Make sure that you are continuing to check the blog for updates:

Wed. Jan 8th during Period 2:  Robert Thirsk High School Presentation (all Grade 9's)
Fri. Jan 10th during Period 3: Bowness High School Presentation (all Grade 9's)
Mon. Jan 13th during Period 3:  Sir Winston Churchill High School Presentation Presentation (all Grade 9's)
Wed. Jan. 15th: All Thirsk-designated students will go to Robert Thirsk High School Open House during the day
Thurs. Jan. 16th: All Churchill-designated Sir Winston Churchill Open House during the day
Tues. Jan 21st: All Bowness-designated students will go to Bowness High School Open House during the day
Thurs. Jan. 30th:  Churchill counsellors come to HDC to check course selection (Churchill students only)

Here are the notes from the high school presentations: High School Presentation Notes