Hello everyone! 
We hope you all are feeling healthy.
This week we will be switching learning platforms away from our blog and in to D2L Brightspace.  This is where we will be doing all of our remote learning for the foreseeable future. Each week your Math & Science tasks will be posted in D2L in the order you need to complete them. These tasks can also be found in the content tab. While you are working through each task, teachers will be available at different times through Google Meet for you to ask questions.  The "nickname" for the tutorial will be posted in the announcements section 5 minutes before the tutorial starts. The one hour start times for grade 9 tutorials this week are as follows:
Math 9/Science 9 Monday (12pm, 1pm, or 2pm)
Wednesday (9am, 10am, 11am) 
Please take a look at this D2L tutorial video that we have created to help you get to know D2L a bit better! 

This week we will continue on with Polynomials & Environmental Chemistry. 

Please email your teacher if you are having any trouble logging on to D2L or getting in to your Math shell or Science shell.

Friday, April, 3, 2020

Here is your Math 9 work for today.  It should take about 45 minutes.  Your Science is posted below.

1.  Please start with Brainbashers.  Here is the link.  Click on today.  Look to the right under Daily Acitivities, click on Daily 30 Seconds.  Give yourself 5 minutes.

2. Check your homework from yesterday. Make sure that you use check marks & that you
go through any that you got wrong to find your mistake. Thank you. I hope I didn't make any
mistakes--my apologies if I did :)
April 2 Adding Polynomials Practice Answers

3. Review the linked Notes on Subtracting Polynomials. Add these in to your course notes.
Subtracting Polynomials Notes
Watch the Khan Academy on Subtracting Polynomials...add to your course notes.
Khan Academy Subtracting Polynomials

4. Please complete the practice questions linked.
April 3 Subtracting Polynomials Practice Questions

5. Please complete the ixl.com questions on Adding & Subtracting Polynomials.
ixl Adding & Subtracting Polynomials

Have a good day everyone...take care & know that we miss you lots.

Friday , April 3rd, 2020
Enviro Chem
D2L: Chapter 3 - Topic 3
What did we do?
1) First of all, thank you to a student who completed the lab and emailed their results in! It’s not too late to try some science at home! Check out the lab and follow the procedure to make your very own universal indicator so you can test additional household products!! Don't forget to share your results :)

2) Here are the answers to the questions posted on Wednesday:
Acids and Bases (Chapter 3 – Topic 3)
1. What is the pH of a neutral substance? 
“Power of hydrogen”
Since H+ is what makes something acidic
2. A solution has a pH of 11. Is the solution acidic, basic or neutral?
3. The pH of a solution increases. Is the solution becoming more or less acidic? 
Less acidic
4. Complete the table below using the following terms: universal indicator, litmus paper, pH paper, pH meter.

Litmus paper
A paper test that determines only if a compound is an acid or a base
pH meter
A device that can accurately determine the pH of a compound; it can be used for any pH between 0 and 13
pH paper
A paper test that can determine the approximate pH of a compound, to the nearest whole number
Universal Indicator
A solution of chemicals that changes colour depending on pH; it can be used for any pH between 0 and 13
5. What are the two compounds produced by a neutralization reaction? 

Water and salt

6. Red litmus paper turns blue and blue litmus paper stays blue. What type of compound is present? 

7. The city’s water supply has too low of a pH. What can you add to the water supply to increase the pH? 

Thursday, April, 2, 2020

Here is your Math 9 work for today. It should take about 30 minutes. Your Science is below from

April 1.
1. Please start with Brainbashers. Here they all are for the day. Allow yourself 5 minutes.

2. Check your homework from yesterday. Make sure that you use check marks & that you
go through any that you got wrong to find your mistake. Thank you. I hope I didn't make any
mistakes--my apologies if I did :)
Answers to April 1 Polynomials Practice

3. Review the linked Notes on Adding Polynomials. Add these in to your course notes.
Adding Polynomials Notes
Adding Polynomials Perimeter Notes

4. Please complete the practice questions linked.
Adding Polynomials Practice Questions

5. Please complete the ixl.com questions on Adding Polynomials to find Perimeter.
****Remember perimeter is the distance around an object.
ixl.com Adding Polynomials to find Perimeter

Have a good day everyone...take care & know that we miss you lots.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We sure have missed all of you. We hope you and your families are feeling well.

****April 1 take a look at the Grade 9 blog home page for a quick Grade 9 yearbook activity
****this yearbook activity is not mandatory but is due to Ms Robillard if you want to put an entry
in to the yearbook.

Here is your Math 9 work for today. It should take 30-60 minutes.

Please start with brainbashers...give yourself 5 minutes. The easy & medium questions are linked here.

1. Take a look at the 3 pictures attached. These pictures contain some review notes for polynomials.
Polynomial Vocabulary
Degree of Polynomials
Collecting Like Terms

2. Go through your original course notes and add to them using these review notes.

3. Watch the youtube video about collecting like terms.
Collecting Like Terms Video

4. Complete questions 13-15. Simplify each polynomial by collecting like terms
April 1 Practice Questions
(Answers will be posted tomorrow)

Take care & have a good day.

Wednesday, April 1st - Friday, April 3rd
Environmental Chemistry
D2L: Chapter 3 - Topic 3
What should you do?
Please complete the following by Friday: 
1)   Take Notes (posted below)
2)   Read + take additional notes: Science Focus 9, pages 197 – 211. 
Key ideas: Acids, Bases, Indicator, Draw pH scale, Acid-Base Neutralization.
3)   Watch: 
* Interested in trying this experiment at home?? Try making your very own universal indicator with red cabbage and test some of your household items! Let me know how it goes with an email!
Click here for a link to the lab (word)
-      So, how do acids and bases relate to Environmental Chemistry?
Acid-Base Reactions in Solutions

4)   Answer the following in your notes: 
Acids and Bases (Chapter 3 – Topic 3)
1. What is the pH of a neutral substance? 
2. A solution has a pH of 11. Is the solution acidic, basic or neutral? 
3. The pH of a solution increases. Is the solution becoming more or less acidic? 
4. Complete the table below using the following terms: universal indicator, litmus paper, pH paper, pH meter.

A paper test that determines only if a compound is an acid or a base

A device that can accurately determine the pH of a compound; it can be used for any pH between 0 and 13

A paper test that can determine the approximate pH of a compound, to the nearest whole number

A solution of chemicals that changes colour depending on pH; it can be used for any pH between 0 and 13

5. What are the two compounds produced by a neutralization reaction? 
6. Red litmus paper turns blue and blue litmus paper stays blue. What type of compound is present? 
7. The city’s water supply has too low of a pH. What can you add to the water supply to increase the pH? 
(Answers will be posted on Friday)

Acids and Bases Notes:
- Taste sour
- Soluble in water. 
- Gives off H+ (Hydrogen) ions in water
- Has a pH less than 7
- Phosphoric acid (fertilizers, detergents, pharmaceuticals, flavoring agent - tangy) 
- Sulfuric acid (car battery, paints, dyes, oil and gas refining, synthetic textiles) 

- Substances are neither acidic nor basic
- Has a pH of 7
- Water
- Salts
- Most cosmetics
- Eye drops
- Lotions

- Tastes bitter
- Reacts with acids
- Soluble in water 
- Gives off OH- (Hydroxide) ions in water
- Has a pH greater than 7 
- Sodium hydroxide (household cleaners, bleaching agent, solvent in making electronic circuit boards) 
- Aluminum hydroxide (antacid tablets) 
- Strong bases are sometimes called alkalis.

pH is a measure of how many hydrogen ions are present (the concentration of hydrogen ions) in a solution. It means the “power of hydrogen.”


March 10, 2020

Math: Adding and Subtracting Polynomials Page 196

#5,6,7,10,11,14,15,16,17,20,22 and 24

March 9, 2020

Science: DDT Story Page 189-90 #1-8, 11

Math: Page 187 #8, 9, 10 and 12

March 5, 2020

Math: Page 179 #13-15

March 4, 2020

Math: Page 179 1,3,5,7,8,9,21,23,24

Science: Complete bioaccumulation sheet on amoeba sisters video.


March 3, 2020

1. Copy Page 179 Table 3.1
2. Define carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, macromineral, trace elements and enzyme.
3. Take notes on fertilizer. What do the numbers mean?
4. Pg. 186 #1,4 and 5

March 2, 2020

Math: Study for your exam tomorrow. Page 82 and 83 of Mathlinks.

Feb 28, 2020

Math: Rational Numbers Test on Tuesday March 3. Study by doing the Chapter 2 questions. Finish the word problems from the handout 9-13

Feb 25, 2020

Science: Study for Science exam on Matter and Chemical change..  Look at the study guide.

Feb 24, 2020

Math: Finish all adding and subtracting decimals in booklet except for the last page.

Science: Study for Wednesday's performance assessment. Complete review if you have not already. Hand in lab report if you haven't already.

Feb 19, 2020

Math: Finish all adding fractions in the booklet. Do the subtracting integers page.

Science: Start the study guide. Due Monday for the exam.

Feb 11, 2020

Math: Finish the adding integers page in the adding booklet.

Science: Lab report due Feb 19

Feb 5, 2020

Sci: Complete lab questions on reaction rate.

Feb 4, 2020

Math: Started dividing rational numbers

Science: Completed Topic 8 booklet

Feb 3, 2020

Science: Finish lab questions on identifying ionic and molecular compounds

January 30, 2020

Math: Finish multiplying fractions booklet.

January 29, 2020

Science: Finish first 2 pages of the Chapter 7 booklet.

Math: Quiz tomorrow on placing rational numbers. Began multiplying rational numbers.

January 28, 2020

Math: Quiz Thursday - Labelling a number line with rational numbers (positive and negative). Square Roots, Decimals, Fraction and Percents.

January 27, 2020

Science: Topic 4-6 Quiz tomorrow

Study periodic table, elements, compounds (naming and formula), ionic and molecular.

Math: Numberline and converting quiz on Wednesday

January 23, 2020

Math: Page 52 #10-19

Science: Review for quiz on Tuesday. Topic 4-6. Complete Page 145 #1-8 and 10.

January 21, 2020

Science: Finish molecular naming pages in booklet.

Math: Page 51 #1-9

January 18, 2020

Science: Started molecular naming

Math: Complete conversions booklet and number lines.

January 17, 2020

Science: Ionic Naming should be finished for Monday. Do not do the last page or the pages with molecular compounds.

Math: Finish conversions booklet.

January 16, 2020

Science: Ionic Naming should be finished.

Math: Finish 1st page of conversions.

January 15, 2020

Math: Finish 1st page of booklet

Science: Finish 1st 3 pages of naming booklet.

January 14, 2020

Math: Practiced placing rational numbers on the number line. Booklet due Thursday. Complete during high school tours.

Science: Naming compounds booklet. Page 13 and 14. Complete during high school tours.

January 13, 2020

Math: Defined Rational Numbers and discussed benchmarks

Science: Defined ions and drew some electron diagrams

January 9, 2020

Math: Finish fraction review booklet and conversion worksheet. Due tomorrow.

Science: Electron Diagrams

January 8, 2020

Math: Completed check in on percents, decimals and fractions.

Science: Finish periodic table element part hunt.

January 7, 2020

Math: Continued rational numbers review. Tomorrow will be last day to finish.

Science: Examined the periodic table and learned about 4 groups - Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Halogens and Noble Gases.

December 17, 2019

Math: Began rational numbers review.

Science: Began History of the Atom.

December 11, 2019

Math: Complete the study questions for tomorrow's exam.

December 10, 2019

Math: Complete SA question #7. SA test on Thursday.

Science: Matter & Chemical Change Topic 1 and 2 Quiz Monday Dec 16

December 5, 2019

Math: Complete SA worksheet for homework.

Science: Elements and Compounds worksheet and Classifying Matter Lab due Monday

December 4, 2019

Math: Complete 3bce and 4b on the handout. SA check in tomorrow.

December 3, 2019

Math: Complete #3a on the handout.

December 2, 2019

Science: Page 98 #4,5

November 29. 2019

Math: Surface Area of Composite RPs #8 from the handout.

November 27, 2019

Math: Started Rectangular Prism Composite Shapes

Science: Grade 7/8 Chemistry Review

November 26, 2019

Math: Composite Shapes Worksheet #1, 4, 6, 7

November 19/20, 2019


Please finish the following over the hiatus:

  • Surface Area Review/Composite Objects Booklet
  • Atomic Theory Chart
  • Lab Safety & WHMIS handout
  • Topic 1 Matter and Classification sheet given to you in HUM  on the 20TH (Check Mrs. Krushel's blog for a copy if you didn't receive)

November 8, 2019

Science: Biodiversity Unit Exam Nov 14

November 5, 2019

Math: Square Roots and Pythagorean Test on Nov 6. Complete review handout. For more study questions, see the following webpage:


November 4, 2019


Complete handout up to #9.


Topic 3-5 Quiz tomorrow, see below for Study topics.

October 31, 2019

Math: Square Roots and Pythagorean Test on Nov 6

Science: Topic 3-5 Quiz on Nov 5

- asexual and sexual reproduction
- genetics
- Punnett Squares
- dominant and recessive traits
- homozygous/heterozygous
- mitosis/ meiosis similarities and differences
- fertilization
- zygote

October 28, 2019

Math: Pythagorean Theorem

Science: Complete Punnett squares worksheet

October 24, 2019

Math: Complete 15 and 16 on the handout

Science: Started Punnett Squares and Genetics

October 23, 2019

Math: Returned Powers and Exponents Test

Science: Reviewed mitosis and meiosis

October 22, 2019

Science: Complete the Venn diagram that compares meiosis to mitosis

Math: Complete questions 6-10 on the handout for estimating square roots.

October 21, 2019

Science: Complete the sheet on mitosis and meiosis. Visit the following website and complete the show and guide. Use different colours for the chromosomes.


Math: Began estimating square roots.

October 17, 2019

No new homework

October 16, 2019

Math: Complete the handout. #4-10, 12 and 14

Science: No homework

October 10, 2019

Science: Please complete the Google form below. See page 38 of Science Focus 9 for necessary definitions. 


October 8, 2019

Math: Study for your exam. Page 120, 122. Khan Academy or ixl.ca are all resources you can use.

Science: No new work

October 7, 2019

Math: Practice test for exponents and powers. Page 122. Finish entirely for Wednesday.

Science: Finished Asexual and Sexual reproduction

October 4, 2019

Science: Finish Topic 3 assignment

Math: First 5 rows of row game and Page 106 #14-17, 21

October 3, 2019

Math: Foldable must be complete. Column A or B of row game must be complete.

Science: Complete Page 2 and label the parts of the flower.

October 2, 2019

Math: Foldable should be complete

Science: Complete first page of Topic 3 assignment

October 1, 2019

Math: 1st row of exponents foldable

September 30, 2019

Math: Handout #4 and 8a

Science: Topic 1 and 2 quiz tomorrow. Written response, so bring a pen.

September 27, 2019

Math: Exponent Laws problems: Pg. 106 #9-13, P. 112 #9-10, Pg. 118 #5

Science:  Biodiversity Topic 1 and 2 quiz on Tuesday

September 18, 2019

Math: Introduced Exponent Laws - check in on Monday
Science: Went over red fox niche and talked about competition

September 17, 2019

Math: Finish the handout #10 & 11.
Science: Compared behavioural and structural adaptations in the cuttlefish.

September 13, 2019

Math: Zero Exponent Law - Handout #3,4,5 and 7
Science: Learned about behavioural and structural adaptations

September 12, 2019

Science: Complete 3 graphs and problems 1-4 for A Classroom Full of Difference on Page 9 of the text.
Math: Powers and Exponent Check In Monday

September 11, 2019

Math: Reviewed yesterday's homework.
Science: Prepare data tables to make 3 graphs tomorrow. One for height, One for handspan and when for wrist circumference.

 Wrist circumference:

September 10, 2019

Math: From the handout, finish 9-11, 13-15 and 17
Science: Began looking at variation and preparing for lab tomorrow

September 9, 2019

Math: Reviewed Integers and rules for multiplying integers
Science: Finished article on biodiversity

September 6, 2019

Math: We began our unit on Powers and Exponents. Finish the sheet questions #4-8.

Science: We began examining Biodiversity.