April 6th

Please go to classroom.google.com and sign in using your edu account.  You should be enrolled in your humanities class there. The work for the week will be posted at 8:00.  If you are doing work through google classroom it is automatically share with me when you push the hand in button, so you don't need to share (or in most cases forget to share) directly with me

Please email me if you don't see anything when you log in.

Grade 9 tutorials this week are as scheduled and will be conducted through google meet:
Monday 12:00-3:00 Math/Science
Tuesday 9:00-12:00 Humanities
Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00 Math/Science
Thursday 12:00 - 3:00 Humanities

Login information will be posted in your google classroom (humanities) or D2L (math/Science)

April 1

Welcome "back".  I hope everyone is keeping safe and washing their hands.  Please complete the assignment below and put it in your folder

What in the World 9

Mr. Yeats

Ps...  Sorry I forgot to post this this morning

Tuesday, March 17

I'd like to pass on that the university has ended Mr. MacGregor's student teaching with us.  He's been a valuable addition to the room over the several months and he will be missed. If you'd like to send him a farewell message it can be uploaded here

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 13:

Today students were given a study booklet for their immigration test on Monday which can be found here.

March 12:

  • Introduced new weekly task of quick planning an essay
  • Revisions of Immigrant story.  Due in folder

March 9:
  • Personal response paragraphs to Arrival due tomorrow.

March 6

Today students finished off reading a graphic novel titled The Arrival. After which they summarized each part of the book before sharing in small groups.

 March 4

March 3
V for Vendetta response question.

March 2 2020
  1. WOD quiz
  2. Singh Decsision.  Part 2 will be homework check tomorrow

Feb 27 

Practice PAT 3

Feb 26
Here is the link for the point system  simulator

Feb 24
  •  We reviewed the school wide write and then began planning a PEECC Paragraph answering the following: “The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.” It could be argued that the actions of the British Government in V for Vendetta meets this criteria at first, as they are dealing with a pandemic.  To what extent should the government have the ability to restrict the rights and freedoms during times of national crisis? 

Words of the Day Quiz 2:

Contrive, Facile, adroit, anguish, ardor, audible, charades, commenced, conglomeration, degrading, discontent, 
dulcet, entanglements, epochal, erasure, foray, incompetent, inducing, infiltration, invigorated, 
jibe, ministrations, muckamuck, perturbed, petrified, posterity, privy, quandary, reconciliation, 
shellacked, soliloquy, spiel, ticklish, unsheathed, wary, Pious, conspicuous , Throng, Faction, 
adversity, alternation, anachronistic, appalled, bode, clambered, claret, consolingly, contingencies, 
conviction, efficiency, fiend, holocaust, humiliations, ladler, oracle, pinioned, proclamation, 
procured, rebuttal, recluse, resignation, resonant, resurrection, reverberating, scoffed, 
staunchly, tromping, ulcerating,unimpeachable
afflicted, cleric, contemplated, cowardice, crescendoing, fauceted, forlorn,
impediment, imperiously, lumbered, propriety,reminiscing, squabbled, swarthy, unendurable 
Besiege, Scruple, Austere

Feb 18

Unit Test

Feb 14

As promised the Chapter 4 key.

Complete your study guide

February 10

Unit Test tuesday.   Complete your study guide and chapter 4 booklets.

February 8

Students finished their debates today, the started looking at collective rights.  Remember that the unit test has been postponed. 

Feb 5

School wide Write today.  Tomorrow the last group will debate.  Then onto collective rights.  The Unit test for Monday has been bumped to after teachers convention.

Feb 4
Debate prep
Try this for ideas for rebutting an argument

February 3
The class had one period to complete their film review.  It must be submitted to Iris by midnight.
They were then introduced to proper debate format, got into groups and were given a topic.  THERE MAY BE MINOR CHANGES TO GROUPS TOMORROW!  Debate prep will happen tomorrow and begin on Wednesday.

January 30th
Today the class started the Film review assignment of V for Vendetta.  We started with a discussion of what a film review is and showed two examples: The Lion King and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  These both illustrated how to address the criticism in two very different styles.  If you want more examples I would look at Lindsey Ellis, Movies with Micky, Chris Stuckmann or the slash flimcast podcast

January 27th
We reviewed the practice PAT from last Friday then introduced Mise-en-scene.

Chapter check-in tomorrow. 

Practice PAT 
Words of the Day:

Words of the Day Quiz 1:

adversary, antiquity, bewilderment, careening, droll, dullard, dumpling, hovel, inadvertent, mouldering, scullery, sublimity, supplication, undaunted, unfathomable, visage, Auspicious, Pedantic, Pedant, Evanescent, Facetious, Hubris, Mendacious, Abjure, Incognito, excision, grappling, simians, Miserly, Omnipotent, alliance, doted, etiquette, ferreting out, insolvency, supped, Auspicious, Characterization, Indirect Characterization, Direct Characterization, Abridgement, Paradigm, Subjugate, Usurp

January 23

Word of the day Quiz 

After the quiz students finished their charter childrens book.  Due tomorrow.  Practice ELA Part B PAT tomorrow.

January 22

My apologies for not blogging lately.  The words of the day for the quiz tomorrow are up to date.
Monday - We worked on the charter rights booklet up to and through simplifying the charter for your children's book.  Students also synthesized the symbols from v for vendetta into master lists for later
Tuesday - Began working on the children's book. This will be due Friday to take to reading buddies.  Notes on Symbols, Motif and Theme
Wednesday - 1 period on the children's book.  Finished the symbols motif and theme notes.

January 14

Started watching V for Vendetta.  Make sure you are watching for repeated elements
Yesterday we completed the eye spy in your Charter of Rights and Freedoms booklet, as well as the 10 minute right.

December 19th

Go to the New York Times Photos of the year list.  Pick one photo from your birth month and answer the following questions:
  1. What is happening in this photo?
  2. What is the context around the photo? (research the situation and what is happening in it.)
  3. Why do you think it was chosen as a photo of the year?
  4. Why did you choose it to write about?
Once you are done email your answers to me at ryyeats@cbe.ab.ca.

December 11

Justice Final.  Get presentations ready for next week.

Decebmer 6:  We continued with the Justice Case study today. I will download all assignments on Sunday at 9:00 AM

I've put a folder together with study resources for your unit test.  I would suggest starting with the quizlets in the link page, and then moving onto the political cartoon analysis questions in the Chapter 2 work package.

December 5:

Today we will be doing our Justice Case Study/Current event.  Click here for the assignment and make a copy into your google drive Folder.  This assignment is due Friday after the double period (plus time  today) working on it.  A reminder that your Lit circle should be done middle of next week with Groups working on their presentations on Thursday and Friday.

November 27:

Today we had our presentation from the CYOC then went through some PAT samples, exploring what  the mechanics would be assessed at. Tomorrow you will self assess your SWW.  You also have your current events presentation tomorrow.

November 26

Justice research:

 Elizabeth Fry Society

John Howard Society


Aboriginal Sentencing Circles

November 18

Justice simulation, lit circles.  Remember to look at the writing prompt for the school wide write tomorrow. 

November 6

We worked on chapter booklets and then introduced the Lit Circle unit we will be working on.  Remember that you need to wrap up you Novel before Dec 13, so that you can work on your presentations, which will be Dec 16.

Literature Circles Audio Links

Here are the links to the audios we have available for some of the novels for our Justice Lit Circles?

The Hate U Give: Hate U Give Audio (YouTube)
Dear Martin: On YouTube (not the greatest, but better than nothing)

October 29

Double writing the stories today.  These are due on Monday!

Monday october 28

Chose our Topic for our short story.  Came up with a theme and began planning the story using this and this.  we then went through Story beginnings.

Plans need to be done for tomorrow so you can start writing

Tuesday October 22.

Unit Test Friday October 25

50 questions multiple choice
Here is the structure of the exam:
- levels of government
- structure of the FEDERAL government
- responsibilities of the Federal government
- political parties (Big 5, spectrum)
- electoral process
- bill to law
- media / lobbying

Txt book study guide: Study Guide
FPTP/Proportional Representation info: FPTP/PR Elections
Chapter 1 Summary Notes: Summary Notes Ch 1
Vocabulary: Ch 1 Vocab

Here is the structure of the exam and supplemental information:
- Levels of government 

- Structure of the FEDERAL government
Video: Branches
Notes: Concept Map

- Responsibilities of the Federal government

- Political parties (Big 5, spectrum)

Electoral process 

- Bill to law
Interactive notes: Bill to Law

- Media / lobbying
Powerpoint: Media and Lobbyists

Thursday Octoboer 17

Research link 
 Complete your page for Monday

Wednesday October 16

Opinion pargraph will be taken in tomorrow:  Is proportional representation a more or less fair system of election than first past the post?  This is a quick write paragraph - I'm expecting first draft quality writing.  No major skull & crossbones erros, but doesn't have to be finalized either.

Dialogue sheet will be completed once CURRENT EVENT presentations are done in your group.  Presenters make sure you are ready to go.

Friday will be your first buddy reading day. 

Tuesday October 8

Vote Compass

Today we finished the research on the parties.  Literary terms quiz.

Monday October 7

Reviewed the political party powerpoint.  
We then started our research on the political parties.

Research Links:

What we Did
Monday 30 Sep, 2019
Review levels of government
-1 Period on Concept map of federal government
Make sure research is done

Tuesday 01 Oct, 2019
Double period on concept map
Concept map due tomorrow

Wednesday 02 Oct, 2019
-Literary term review
-Bill to law notes

Thursday 03 Oct, 2019
- Bill to law activity
- Characterization

Friday 04 Oct, 2019
No Hum

For the week of Sept 24:
Tuesday:  Video 1 Watch several times, taking notes


  1. Textbook: Chapter 1


Sept 23

Today we covered the 3 G's and the spectrum.

Due to a technical error the blog has been restarted. Sorry