Hello, 902 and 905! I hope your weekend went well.
As of this week (April 6-9), we will be officially switching to Google Classroom for Humanities. Every Monday I will be posting your assignments for the week there. You have been emailed an invitation to join my class, so check your email for the link! You can also access Google Classroom by clicking here and logging in: https://classroom.google.com/.
If you have problems accessing our class, please email me at elhoskins@educbe.ca.
This means that our beloved blog will be stopping as of today! I will be posting all assignments, tests, and other updates on our Google Classroom instead. See you there!
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Welcome back! I hope everyone's Spring Breaks went well, and that you and your family are staying healthy and happy. I loved being able to talk to some of you on the phone yesterday! I miss you guys so much, so it was nice to hear some of your voices. Like you, I have been holed up at home in my little apartment. I came into school yesterday to make my phone calls, and it felt very strange!
My coffee maker and I had a loving reunion and I brought it (and some Splenda) home with me. And stupid timer update: yes, it is still stuck on 5 min....
We are easing slowly back into school. For some of you, it sounds like you're quite excited to have something to do again at home! We are still putting the finishing touches on your online courses and your official schedule, which will be coming out next week, but for now, we have made you some HUM and Math/Sci assignments to work on this week! Check Ms. Petrovic/Ms. Krushel's blogs for the Math/Sci task.
HUM task for this week: You will be completing a reflection assignment that addresses this historic time, and discuss the effects of COVID-19 on you, our country, and the world.
Good luck! If you have any questions, please email me!
****Take a look at the Grade 9 blog home page for a quick Grade 9 yearbook activity!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Hello from HDC! We miss you guys. Hope that all is going well at home.
I know that you worked hard on your Immigration final projects at home this weekend. While we sadly cannot have our gallery walks, I would still love to get a chance to see and assess your creations! If you can, please take photos and/or videos of your project, and share them on Google Drive:
Friday, March 12, 2020
Yesterday you had a double period to work on your Immigration Final Project.
Immigration Final Project
Today you also had a double period to work on your project. Your project is due on Monday - we will have our gallery walk to view the projects.
We had no HUM today, so you will get a double period on Monday, and then your project is due on TUESDAY - we will have our gallery walk to view the projects.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Today we created an immigrant profile, and then launched our Immigration final project. You will have 4 periods of HUM to work on this, and then it is due next week for our gallery walk (902 - Monday, 905 - Tuesday). Make sure you are using your time wisely.
You need to come to class tomorrow with a decided plan for what type of project you will be doing.
905 - Your political cartoons are due tomorrow. 902, yours were due today, so get those into us ASAP if you have not already.
Immigration Final Project
Immigrant Profile:
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Today you delivered your 1 minute speech. I really really impressed with the majority of you! Thank you for working hard on those. Anyone that did not present today will need to come to my room at lunch tomorrow to present to me.
Once we all were done with speeches, we began work on some immigration political cartoons.
905- you need to complete ONE cartoon analysis for homework.
Monday, March 9, 2020
You will be giving a one-minute speech tomorrow (Tuesday). Here is the assignment and planner:
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
Steps for your speech:
1. Open up link and make a copy of the planner: Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Title it, "Your name Refugee Speech" and share it with me (elhoskins@educbe.ca) and (902 only) also Ms. Scott (tjscott@educbe.ca)
3. Choose your position - pro/con
4. Research - find credible sources to use as evidence (e.g. NOT Buzzfeed)
5. Plan your speech
6. Write your script
7. Time yourself - how long is your speech? Read it out loud and time yourself.
8. Practice, practice, practice!
We also kept working on The Arrival. We watched a video on Mahmoud's story and answered some questions. Mahmoud's Story
Friday, March 6, 2020
902: Link to the practice PAT: 2012 Practice ELA PAT
Once you are done: Congrats on being done your first practice PAT! For the rest of HUM today, you will be starting to research the history of Syrian refugees in Canada, in preparation for a 1 minute speech you will be giving next week. You will get one more period to research on Monday, and then you will present your speech on Tuesday.
1. Open the following link, make a copy, and title it, "Your name Refugee Speech"
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Begin researching (using the links provided) and fill in the pros/cons chart
3. If you finish completing your chart, then begin planning out your speech. You must choose your position (pro/con) and then develop two arguments to support it. There is an organizer provided to help you plan.
Good luck!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
905: Link to the practice PAT: 2012 Practice ELA PAT
Once you are done: Congrats on being done your first practice PAT! For the rest of HUM today, you will be starting to research the history of Syrian refugees in Canada, in preparation for a 1 minute speech you will be giving next week. You will get one more period to research on Monday, and then you will present your speech on Tuesday.
1. Open the following link, make a copy, and title it, "Your name Refugee Speech"
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Begin researching (using the links provided) and fill in the pros/cons chart
3. If you finish completing your chart, then begin planning out your speech. You must choose your position (pro/con) and then develop two arguments to support it. There is an organizer provided to help you plan.
Good luck!
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Today we finished up the Global News video and then filled in most of the booklet. We will finish our reflection tomorrow. Global News Interview Task
We then went over the PNI chart for The Arrival.
Today we went over the Global News booklet, and I took in your response paragraph. You then had one period to write your emotional response paragraph for The Arrival. This paragraph is due tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet (see notes below). We then watched part of an interview with some Calgarian community leaders about their thoughts on immigration in our city. Global News Interview Task
905- This booklet is due tomorrow.
902- We will finish this tomorrow
Monday, March 2, 2020
Today you worked on the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet. These are due tomorrow.
Immigration Booklet
We then finished our PNI chart and "read" Part 3 of The Arrival. You should have started your emotional response paragraph planning. You may choose an image from the beginning of the book - end of Part 3. We will continue this tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival - Part 3 (YouTube)
In The Arrival, we analyzed some images from the book, and then you "read" through Chapter 2 of the book with a partner and worked on a PNI chart (Positive-Negative-Interesting). We will go over this tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival - Part 2 (YouTube)
You then worked on the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet. These are due tomorrow.
Immigration Booklet
Friday, Feb. 28, 2020
902 - I didn't see you today :(
905 - Today we had the assembly, and then played the point system game! How many of you made it into Canada?
Point System Game
No homework this weekend - focus on studying for Math (905 only). Have a great weekend!
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 2 questions in our Immigration booklet (on the Singh Decision) - see notes below. We then had an AWESOME poetry slam! Well done! I really enjoyed hearing your masterpieces.
We worked on the Part 2 questions and then went over them in class - see answers below.
IMPORTANT- Tomorrow, we have another assembly, so go to homeroom in Period 1 tomorrow. We will take attendance and then go down to the gym. You will have Period 3 and 4 as usual (it is a Day 1).
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020
Today we did a 10 Minute Write about Pink Shirt Day, and then worked on the Part 2 questions (on the Singh Decision) in our Immigration booklet. These questions are due tomorrow - we will go over them in class.
Immigration Booklet
We then worked on a visual-inspired poem using nouns, verbs, and adverbs. We shall have a poetry slam tomorrow, so come prepared to present your masterpiece! The pictures to use for this poetry assignment are in your Arrival booklet.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival Powerpoint
Today we did a 10 Minute Write about Pink Shirt Day, and then we continued on in our Arrival unit. We analyzed some images from the book, and then you read through Chapter 2 of the book with a partner and worked on a PNI chart (Positive-Negative-Interesting). We will finish discussing this tomorrow, but here are the notes so far:
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 1 questions in our Immigration booklet. You need to fill these in if you were away.
905, we also had a poetry slam for our Arrival poems. We have some great writers in our class!
902, we lost a period to the amazing presentation yesterday. We will write our Arrival poems tomorrow!
Monday, Feb. 24, 2020
Today you had a period to work on the textbook questions in your Immigration booklet (#'s 1-15). These are due tomorrow, so finish them up for homework if you didn't finish today.
Immigration Booklet
We also started The Arrival graphic novel study today. We did some inferencing practice.
905 only: We wrote some imagery-inspired poetry. We will have a poetry slam tomorrow to share our poems. Looking forward to hearing your masterpieces!
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival Intro Video
The Arrival Powerpoint
Friday, Feb. 21, 2020
902 - I didn't see you today :(
905 - We worked on some textbook questions in your Immigration booklet. We'll continue this on Monday.
Hope you all had fun at Buddy Reading. Have a good weekend!
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020
Today we had a discussion about our immigration stories. We have some many different countries in our backgrounds! We then took notes on the history of immigration in Canada (we just reached the slide about the Point System, which we will learn more about on Monday).
History of Immigration Organizer
Immigration Booklet
History of Immigration Powerpoint
902 - Today we banded together to survive the Great Table Catastrophe of 02/20/2020. Let us never forget this day, a day that bonded us together forever.
Tomorrow we have a homeroom period to work on our space in Period 1. You will then have Period 2 like normal, and then we have Buddy Reading, so bring your winter gear for walking!
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020
Today we began our Immigration unit! Woohoo! We started with a 10 Min Write, then watched some videos and a took brief notes in our new booklets (oooo).
Immigration Booklet
Intro to Immigration Powerpoint
Canada's 150 Years of Immigration (YouTube)
Immigration, World Poverty, and Gum Balls (YouTube)
Most Shocking Second a Day (YouTube)
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020
Welcome back! Today you wrote your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test. Hopefully it went well. If you did not write it yet, please come chat with me about when you will make it up (if you haven't already).
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020
I hope you all enjoy your extra-long weekend! When you return, you will be writing your Charter & Collective Rights (Ch. 3 and 4) Unit Test on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Chapter 3+4 Study Guide
If you would like to start thinking about APA Formatting for your lab report, check out the links below. I will be teaching this to you after the break, so if you don't understand it or are confused, don't panic! This is just for those that want a head start on citations.
APA Formatting Video (YouTube)
How to use APA Formatting (Handout)
Citation Machine Website
Monday, Feb. 10, 2020
Today we reviewed Collective Rights and you received your study guide for the unit test. We will do a Kahoot to review tomorrow.
Ch 4 Booklet Answer Key
Chapter 3+4 Study Guide
Today we learned about Francophone language rights and Metis Collective Rights. We do not have HUM tomorrow, so you need to be studying at home! We also did a mini Kahoot (mini-hoot) in the last few minutes of class.
Collective Rights Mini-hoot
You also got a handout on how to use APA formatting: How to APA Format (Handout)
902 and 905: Your Chapter 3 & 4 (Charter & Collective Rights) Unit Test will be next Tuesday, Feb. 18. It is 47 multiple-choice questions. You will have both periods to write the test. It is an expectation that you are studying over your extra long weekend. You were given a study guide today!
Friday, Feb. 7, 2020
Today we learned about Collective Rights, specifically for the First Nations/Inuit peoples of Canada. If you were absent, you will be given the notes on Monday. This weekend for homework, please complete the Pre-1970's and Post 1970's Rights chart in your Charter Rights booklet.
Here are the videos we watched today.
No HUM for you all today! :(
For homework: Make sure you finish your Ch. 4 booklet (the NEW booklet, to be clear) so that we can go over it on Monday. Remember that it's a short week next week!
Chapter 4 Booklet
You can use the textbook, or also these websites for help:
Good Website for Collective Rights
Website on Alberta Treaties
Also, congratulations again to Finn for his first successful week of Attendance of Awesomeness! He shall receive his prize on Monday!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, February 6, 2020
School Wide Writing Prompt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UUnMrLPhppkAM5ktF5JwJBrSeKERzPyiNZh4i-VZ1gk/edit?usp=sharing
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
**Tomorrow is our second School-wide Write. You will be writing for both HUM periods on a secret topic. Come prepared with your music, water, and/or snacks, and come ready to write!**
Today we introduced Collective Rights. You also analyzed a poem! Tomorrow we will be doing the second school wide write! On Friday we will enter back into Collective Rights!
You (started) working on a question booklet on Collective Rights: Chapter 4 Booklet
You can use the textbook, or also these websites for help:
Good Website for Collective Rights
Website on Alberta Treaties
Due to the fumble by the sub, this booklet will be due on Monday :)
Reminder that your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test will be on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Today I was away on the AARCS Service Trip!
You worked on a Chapter 4 (Collective Rights) booklet for both periods today. This booklet will be due on Thursday.
Chapter 4 Booklet
Today we did the last debate! Great job teams!
We also looked at 4 historical examples that went against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Notes below: Order of notes: Japanese Canadians, Women's Right to Vote, Italian Canadians, Ukrainian Canadians. Click on picture to enlarge.
Homework: If you did not finish these notes, please copy them down in the "Jigsaw" chart in your Canadian Charter booklet. Have this completed for tomorrow.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Welcome to semester 2!
902: Today we debated! Great job everyone, it was great to see you excel at this task! We will have the final debate group go tomorrow. We will also continue with the Jigsaw work tomorrow.
If you are on the field trip tomorrow, it is your responsibility to finish the 4 jigsaw charts for Wednesday.
Case Studies Jigsaw Videos
-Japanese Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8TQTuMqM9g
-Canadian Women and the Right to Vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIyn6m1B_jY
-Ukrainian Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1c_WcUihQ
-Italian Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uQfAKvjRc4
905: Today we had our debates! You guys rocked it! Thanks for working so hard on those! We will finish up the last two on Wednesday.
I will not be here tomorrow, so you will be working on a Chapter 4 (Collective Rights booklet). Please be good for my sub!
Collective Rights (Ch 4) Booklet
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Thank you to you all so much for your beautiful card and singing! You made my day! Thanks to Ms. Scott for helping organize, and for bringing in the goodies.
Today you had a bit more time to prepare your debates, and we also were interrupted by the Churchill presentation. Be sure to be ready to debate on MONDAY!!
Today you worked on case studies in jigsaw groups.
Both 902 and 905:
Debates will be happening beginning of class on Monday, so make sure your team is prepared.
Your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test has been moved to Tuesday, February 18 (your first day back after Convention Break). This gives you more time to study, but also means that you need to be reviewing throughout the break so that you don't forget things!
AARCS trip people - your forms are due MONDAY if you did not bring them to me yet. We will have a meeting on Monday during the second half of lunch in my room.
Have a great long weekend! See you Monday!
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Today you had a double period to work on debates. Debates will be taking place on Monday - be prepared!
Debate Topics
Debate Research Organizer
Debate Order of Events Planner
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
We started Debates today! You took some notes on the structure of debate, and then got into your groups and began researching. We will be continuing it this week.
Debate Powerpoint
Debate Topics
You continued researching your topics today. Our debates will take place Monday and Tuesday, so make sure your team is prepared!
Debate Topics
Monday, January 27, 2020
Today we worked on your Film Review for V for Vendetta. You should've finished your planner. Your recorded review (video or audio) is due tomorrow, and should be uploaded onto IRIS.
Example of Film Review (YouTube)
V for Vendetta Review Planner
We started Debates today! You took some notes on the structure of debate, and then got into your groups and began researching. We will be continuing it this week.
Debate Powerpoint
Friday, January 24, 2020
902 ONLY Today we worked on your Film Review for V for Vendetta. You should've finished your planner. Your recorded review (video or audio) is due on Monday, and should be uploaded onto IRIS.
Example of Film Review (YouTube)
V for Vendetta Review Planner
905 ONLY
We did not have HUM today. You should make sure that your motif analysis sheet is done by Monday, as we will be using it for our final film task.
Hope you had fun at Buddies today! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Today we learned about Mise-en-scnee, and practiced analyzing these elements by watching a clip from the movie, "Baby Driver." We discussed the four mise-en-scene elements.
Symbols, Motifs, Theme, and Mise-en-Scene (Powerpoint)
We then read an article about Charter in the workplace - sexualized dress codes for females in the restaurant industry. We will be doing debates about this topic next week!
Sexualized Dress Codes (Article)
Tomorrow is Buddies!! Make sure you dress appropriately! If I don't have your Charter book, you must have it ready for tomorrow! Don't disappoint your little buddy!
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
CHARTER BOOKS WERE DUE TODAY! We need to mark them before you take them to Buddies on Friday!
902: Today we learned about Symbolism, Motif and Theme and how these three concepts connect. We took some notes and then you worked on identifying symbols and motifs/themes in V for Vendetta. Tomorrow we will learn about Mise-en-Scene and then you will be handing in your V for Vendetta analysis work. Tonight for homework, finish the symbols and motif charts.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Today you did a "10 Minute" write and filled out the Charter responsibilities chart. I took this in for a quick mark. We then reviewed the Powerpoint on symbolism and motif from last Friday and took some new notes on Mise-en-Scene. You need to catch up on the notes and fill out your motif analysis sheet for homework if you were away on Friday. This is due tomorrow.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Today we gave you your high school recommendations. Hopefully there weren't any big surprises. YOUR HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SELECTION SHEETS ARE DUE NEXT TUESDAY, JAN. 28. Fill out your options, get it signed, and please return them on time!
Monday, Jan. 20, 2020
Welcome back! I hope you had a good weekend.
Service Hours were due on Friday. I allowed anyone that was away on Friday to hand theirs in to me today, but that is the only extension. As of today at 3:30pm, if I don't have your sheet, you will receive a 1 for this semester.
Today you worked on your Charter Children's Book. Here is the list of things you should have done for tomorrow:
Your Charter Book should have:
Friday, Jan. 17, 2020
Service Hours were due today. If you do not have your 5 hours complete, and your sheet handed into me, you will be receiving a 1 for this semester.
Yesterday all Churchill people went on your tour. I hope it was helpful! You all should be thinking about which options you want to take next year - high school recommendations and course registration will be taking place next week!
Today I only saw 905 (missed you, 902). We took notes on Symbols, Motifs, and Theme. You must analyze at least one motif for homework. People that were away today, you have a lot to catch up on. We will continue this on Monday.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020
Today we finished watching V for Vendetta, and started discussing the repeated symbols that we've noticed. We will continue this next week.
Churchill-designated students: You need to be at school at 8:00am tomorrow morning; meet in your first period classroom. We will be leaving the school at 8:15am to go to Churchill for your tour.
Thirsk/Bowness/Other students: If you are NOT going on the Churchill trip tomorrow, you will be working on your Charter booklet in the Learning Commons while we are away. Here is what you should work on:
-"Eye Spy" activity (you will need to get a copy of the Charter from a supervising teacher)
Eye Spy Activity
-"Your Individual Rights Under the Charter" activity (you will need a textbook - pg. 97 and 98)
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020
Today we started watching V for Vendetta! We will finish it tomorrow. You should be completing your repeated symbols sheet as you watch.
V for Vendetta (Movie)
Repeated Symbols Viewing Sheet
Tomorrow is the Thirsk trip. Make sure you bring your form in if you have not already!
Monday, Jan. 13, 2020
Churchill gave a presentation to you all today. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
If you have not returned your high school trip form yet, you need to do so ASAP:
Thirsk High School Tour is this Wednesday.
Churchill High School Tour is this Thursday.
Bowness High School Tour is next Tuesday.
Today we started watching V for Vendetta. We will continue watching tomorrow.
Today we started with a 10 minute write, since we'll be watching the movie tomorrow.
We went over a Powerpoint on the Canadian Charter. You then did an "eye spy" activity to find the different rights and freedoms in the document.
Intro to Charter Powerpoint
Tomorrow we are watching V for Vendetta, so if we don't have your permission form yet, you need to bring that in! You will not be watching without that form.
Friday, Jan. 10, 2020
Please bring in your high school trip forms and your V for Vendetta permission forms.
Today we had a Bowness presentation during Period 3. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
905, we talked more about the UN and started learning about the Canadian Charter today. The notes are in your Charter booklet.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Video)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Intro to Charter Powerpoint
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020
Today we had a double period to work on the cell phone "one pager" assignment. The good copy of this is due on Monday, Jan. 13.
Also due, please hand in your signed "V for Vendetta" permission form and your High School tour permission slip.
Service hours are due Friday, Jan. 17.
Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
Today you had a presentation by Robert Thirsk High School. I hope that it was informative. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
In HUM, we discussed the Iran bombings of the American military bases that took place last night. I enjoyed our discussion! I encourage you to go home and talk about it with your adults, and maybe watch Trump and Trudeau's responses on YouTube.
Here's the MadTV sketch that we watched as well. Isn't it interesting that it's still relevant? The iRack (YouTube)
We also worked on our Teen Cell Phones one-pager. You will get one more period to work on it tomorrow, and then this will be due on Friday.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Welcome back! I hope everyone had an amazing Winter Break! Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2020?
Today we completed a 10 minute write about Human Rights. We also listened to the story, "Harrison Bergeron" in order to start further thinking about Human Rights and equality. Here it is if you'd like to listen to it again: "Harrison Bergeron" (YouTube)
We also discussed some of the Human Rights that we have in today's world.
Tomorrow we will further enter in to our new ELA and Social Units.
Homework: Service Hour Sheets are due on Friday, January 17. This is the absolute last day to submit your form.
Homework: If you have not handed in parts of your literature circles unit, please hand in by tomorrow as we are now marking them.
Homework: Write down the high school information dates (see blog home page). Ensure that you can make it to the open houses that you need to attend.
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
Today, after long last, our Lit Circles finally came to a close. All groups presented about their books, and we should have all booklets, character sketches, and refections handed in by now.
Tomorrow is absolute last day that any late/not handed in assignments from our Justice or Lit Circles units will be accepted for marking. Our units officially end tomorrow, and we will be marking over the break, so nothing will be accepted in the new year.
Tomorrow is also our class potluck, Secret Santa gift exchange, AND our class performance in the School Showcase. It should be a very busy but fun day!
Please DO NOT FORGET to bring:
-Your gift for the gift exchange (if you are participating)
-Your contribution to the pot luck
-Your props/costumes for the class performance
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today was your LAST DAY to work on your Lit Circles work and presentations. All groups will be presenting tomorrow. Come prepared. Here's what will be collected:
1. The entire booklet (filled in)
POTLUCK and SECRET SANTA is happening on Thursday morning! Make sure you bring your snacks and your gift!
Monday, December 16, 2019
902: ***Remember - we have secret santa and our potluck on Thursday morning. If you chose to participate please bring your gift and food on or before Thursday!
Today we had a double period to work on literature circles. Tomorrow is the FINAL day to complete all that needs to be done before Wednesday's presentation. Here is what needs to be done by Wednesday, December 18:
1. The entire booklet needs to be filled in:
Thursday, December 12
Today we did a Mock Trial! Congratulations on finishing up the Justice Unit! We wrote the unit exam yesterday and are now done. Tomorrow and next week we will be finishing up the Literature Circles. Here is what needs to be done by Wednesday, December 18:
1. The entire booklet needs to be filled in:
Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
Today we did a Kahoot to review for your Justice Unit Test tomorrow. See study resources in yesterday's post. Here is the Kahoot if you'd like to play it again at home: Justice Kahoot
We also changed the presentation dates for your Lit Circles next week - this gives all groups a two day extension. You're welcome! All groups will now be presenting next Wednesday, Dec. 18.
All your Lit Circles work will be due that day:
-Booklet with all tasks complete
-Character Sketch
-Reflection paragraphs
Monday, December 9th, 2019
REMINDER of Important Upcoming Dates:
-THIS Wednesday, Dec. 11: Justice Unit Test
-Friday, Dec. 13: Lit Circles due
-Mon-Wed (Dec. 16-18): Lit Circle presentations
Today your YCJA Case Study assignment was due. I need this printed out and handed into me. If I do not get yours today, it is now late and you have until Wednesday at the beginning of class to hand it into me.
In class today you were given a period to study and review for your Justice Unit Test on Wednesday. I hope you used your time wisely. Tomorrow we will be doing a Kahoot to review a bit more.
List of topics and terms your should know: Justice Terms and Topics
Review Question Booklet to fill in:
Review Booklet Answer Key (to check your answers):
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Today we worked on Literature Circles, and also our YCJA Case Study Writing Assignment. This writing assignment is due on MONDAY. It must be printed out and shared with me please.
YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
Your Justice Unit Test is next Wednesday (Dec. 11), so you should be studying all weekend. See the links from Tuesday's post to help you study.
I will be away tomorrow, so please be good for my sub! See you Monday.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Upcoming Dates:
-Wednesday, Dec. 11: Justice Unit Test
-Friday, Dec. 13: Lit Circles due
-Mon-Wed (Dec. 16-18): Lit Circle presentations
Today we started our YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
We will be working on this for the rest of the week, and it will due on Monday.
Today you were given half a period to finish up your political cartoon analysis. Your political cartoons are due TOMORROW.
We then started annotating the Point of View practice in your Justice booklet. We will finish this tomorrow.
The Justice Unit exam will be on Wednesday, Dec. 11. See study resources below:
Question booklet to fill in:
Monday, December 2, 2019
Happy December!
905: CONGRATS ON WINNING THE FLOOR HOCKEY FINALS! YOU GUYS DID GREAT! Thanks to everyone that came to cheer on our players!
In HUM, we put our portfolios in the new portfolio box (yay!) and then had Lit Circles. We then went over a Point of View practice. Here are the annotating notes. I will post the answers to the questions tomorrow once 902 has done them :)
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sorry that I am away today!
905: Today you will be collecting information about Juries, Advocacy Groups, and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. You have a page in your Justice booklet to fill in using the sources below. This should be done by tomorrow.
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
902: Today we had a presentation from Jeff from the Calgary Youth Office of Corrections (CYOC)
We also reviewed Juries, Advocacy Groups and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. If you didn't finish the notes, please ensure you get the notes page filled in using the videos and notes as posted to yesterday's blog.
905: Today we did some Math to catch up on the period you used for the CYOC presentation. We then had time to work on your Lit Circles.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ELA: Today you wrote a reflection on your School-Wide Write.
Social: We began discussing Juries and Advocacy Groups in preparation for our guest speaker tomorrow. We will do stations to collect more information on this tomorrow.
ELA: Today we completed a 10 minute write on your most dramatic moment and a few of you shared. Thanks for the very entertaining stories! We then had a few minutes to work on our novel study.
Social: Today we learned about the role of the public in Justice. We worked on a round of stations and collected information about Juries, Advocacy Groups and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. If you were away today please use the videos and note links below to gather information in your Justice booklet.
Videos for Stations:
Written Sources for Stations:
Juries: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/just/12.html
John Howard Society: https://www.cjhs.ca/about/
Elizabeth Fry Society: https://elizabethfrycalgary.ca/about-us/who-we-help/
Aboriginal Sentencing Circles: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/ccs-ajc/04.html
Wednesday, November 20th
905 - I didn't see you for HUM today, but your three political cartoons are due on Tuesday.
902 - Today you completed a reflection on our School-Wide Write that you did yesterday. We then gave back your short stories (finally) and added them to our portfolios. You then did Lit Circles for the rest of the class.
VIVO is on Monday, so make sure you come prepared with all your gear! If you have not handed in your forms yet, please bring them during interviews or EARLY Monday morning!
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Tuesday, November 19th
Today you wrote your first School-Wide Write! Thank you all so much for working so hard of that. It's not an easy task, but you all did great! The HDC teachers look forward to marking those this Friday!
902 - Tomorrow we will be doing a reflection on today's write, and then working on your lit circles. We will also be doing a check-in near the end of class to see where your group is at.
Here are the links to the audios we have available for some of the novels for our Justice Lit Circles:
902 - Today we started our Justice Unit. We handed out booklets and did some intro activities to start
Today you wrote your Government unit test. We are officially done the Government unit! We will be starting our next unit - Justice & the Justice novel study next week.
Homework: Your short stories are due on Tuesday. I only need them shared with me (and also Ms. Scott, for 902). Besides that, no homework!
I hope you all have a great long weekend! If you celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 9th 2019
Current Events TOMORROW! If it is your turn to present please be ready at the start of class!
Today you had both periods to write you short story. This is the only class time you will have,
but it is due on Tuesday.
1. Open Short Story Template
2. Make a copy.
3. Title it "Your Full Name Story"
4. Share it with me (elhoskins@educbe.ca) (tjscott@educbe.ca)
5. Fill in your chosen theme at the top (where it is highlighted)
6. Make sure you fill in a title either now or once you're done writing.
If you need further help in order to write your story, use the following organizer and checklist.
Check list:
Good luck!
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019
Today we watched some highlights of the Federal Debate.
Federal Debate (Video)
We then planned our short stories. Tomorrow we will be writing a short story about a chosen
theme. Tonight, your homework is to finish the PLAN for your short story using either a plot
diagram and/or a pacing diagram. Tomorrow come in ready to write your story.
Plot Diagram
Pacing Diagram
Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Resolution
Theme Options (Choose ONE)
Monday, October 7th 2019
Today we reviewed how to format dialogue in short stories, and also did review on theme.
Dialogue Powerpoint
Dialogue Worksheet
Theme Video
Theme Station Sheet
Theme Station Stories
Homework: Dialogue Worksheet and 2 Theme Stations due tomorrow (Tuesday)
Your Federal Government representation is also due tomorrow.
Those that are going to SAIT tomorrow - have fun! It's an awesome trip. You are expected to be checking the blog to check what you have missed and catch up by the time you return.
Friday, October 4th 2019
I have KINDLY changed the due date of your concept map until Tuesday, in order for you to focus on studying for your Math test on Monday.
If you are making a concept map, here's a handy website: https://bubbl.us
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 3rd 2019
Today was current events day! After current events you got to work on your Federal Government concept map!
902 - I won't see you tomorrow, so have a great weekend!
905 - I DO see you tomorrow, and you will get more time to work on your Federal Gov. representation/concept map.
1. This concept map is due on Monday, Oct. 7. Remember, you are meant to represent the federal government in some type of map - either literal or symbolic. Assignment sheets for this project are found below.
2. Week 2 current event people, you are up next week! Be prepared to present on Thursday, Oct. 10.
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
The government research organizer below needs to be completed by tomorrow.
If you did not finish in class, please complete it this evening as tomorrow we are starting the project to go with this research.
We started researching today, and you will have one more period tomorrow to
finish up finding the information. We also did our character sketch today and finished our
character sketches. No homework except to prepare for Current Events if you are presenting tomorrow!
Current Events is tomorrow!
902 presenters are: RL, NG, LB, WF, ME.
905 presenters are: A.M., I.L., M.K. G.E., M.S. K.D.
Please be prepared
for your presentation!
Here is your research organizer for our Federal Government task:
Task Sheet
Federal Government Research Organizer
Research Resources:
Federal Government Powerpoint
Federal Government Map
Monday, Sept. 30, 2019
TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY! Dress to impress 📷😁
902 and 905: Today we finished learning about the three levels of government and we highlited
your sorting sheet. It is your homework to finish highliting your sorting sheet if you did not finish it in class.
902: In our second period we learned about Characterization. For homework tonight, please finish
the physical description of your character.
We took notes on:
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019
Today we introduced Current Events and you signed up for your presentations days.
See the groups below.
Current Events Booklet/Planner
Current Events Rubric
Next week we are going to dive into our look at the Federal Government.
We will also continue with short stories,
characterization and dialogue practice!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Today we wrote the Spectrum quiz and completed the analysis of our CARS tests.
In period 2 we reviewed plot diagrams in preparation for our upcoming Story Writing unit.
Here is the video link for "Zero" and a picture of our plot diagram.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
QUIZ TOMORROW (for 902 and 905)! You need to know:
-the 3C's
-More/less government
-The 4 Isms
Notes from today:
I will not be here tomorrow, so please be good for Ms. Scott! Good luck on your quiz.
Monday, Sept. 23, 2019
Today we reviewed the four "isms". We will finish up the last one (Fascism) tomorrow. See notes below.
On Wednesday you will have a quiz. You will need to know how to label the political spectrum.
You also need to understand the characteristics of the 4 "isms" and the pros and cons of each.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
You must come up with THREE Pros and THREE cons for each "ism".
You will have a quiz on this information on WEDNESDAY.
Today we started with a current event discussion about Justin Trudeau.
Here is the link:
Justin Trudeau: Past Mistakes?
We then did a review of the spectrum and moving left or right.
Here are our notes:
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
Today you had BOTH periods to work on your paragraph.
This paragraph is due Thursday - I encourage you to find an editing buddy outside of class to
proofread your work.
PEECC Organizer
Monday, September 16th 2019
Your PEECC paragraph plan is due tomorrow.....NOT the good copy. Just the plan.
PEECC Organizer
Today we reviewed the spectrum, and PEECC paragraph writing.
Here are our notes from the spectrum discussion:
Friday September 13, 2019
902 only:
Today we completed a reading comprehension test, and then you were given
a current event to annotate and discuss. This sheet is for homework.
Dodgeball: Yes or No?
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Today we reviewed how to write a paragraph,
and learned how to upgrade our Grade 8 PEC paragraphs into Grade 9 PEECC paragraphs.
Here are the notes:
We will be writing a paragraph next week so please make sure you bring this booklet on Monday!
Wednesday September 11, 2019
The Lord of the Flies summary is due tomorrow. Please pep it up tonight.
* Please ask your adults where they were on September 11th.
We want to hear tomorrow.
ELA: Yesterday we watched The Lord of the Flies.
Today you were asked to summarize the film in whatever way you would like
(pictures, words, paragraph, etc)
Here are some helpful links:
The Lord of the Flies
Summary Organizer
We took notes today on the "Three C's".
Here are the notes:
Tuesday, September 10th 2019
Yesterday we did a fun desert island scenario where you had to design the government
you would create if you crash-landed on an island! It was very interesting to hear about all
your different scenarios.
Today we watched the movie, Lord of the Flies. Tomorrow we'll be following up and
discussing the movie, so reflect on what you watched today.
Today you also had a presentation by our school nurse about the Grade 9 Vaccinations coming up.
You were given an info package for your adults to sign, so hopefully those make it home.
Also, a friendly reminder that your Service Hours have officially begun! You will need to find 5 hours
of volunteering around the school during each semester. Check out the job posting board outside of my
Have a great night!
Friday, September 6th 2019
Today I only saw 905 (hope you had a great day, 902!).
We worked on Creed for one more period; this project is due on Monday.
Link to the Creed task: Creed
We then discussed Maslow's hierarchy of needs in preparation for Lord of the Flies
and our government unit. Here are the notes:
I gave you your Lord of the Flies permission forms.
Please discuss with your adults and get your form signed and returned by Monday
if you would like to watch the film next week.
Have a wonderful weekend! Congratulations on being done your first week.
I'll see you all on Monday :)
Welcome to Grade 9 HUM! Can't wait for the awesome year ahead : )
Welcome back! I hope everyone's Spring Breaks went well, and that you and your family are staying healthy and happy. I loved being able to talk to some of you on the phone yesterday! I miss you guys so much, so it was nice to hear some of your voices. Like you, I have been holed up at home in my little apartment. I came into school yesterday to make my phone calls, and it felt very strange!
My coffee maker and I had a loving reunion and I brought it (and some Splenda) home with me. And stupid timer update: yes, it is still stuck on 5 min....
We are easing slowly back into school. For some of you, it sounds like you're quite excited to have something to do again at home! We are still putting the finishing touches on your online courses and your official schedule, which will be coming out next week, but for now, we have made you some HUM and Math/Sci assignments to work on this week! Check Ms. Petrovic/Ms. Krushel's blogs for the Math/Sci task.
HUM task for this week: You will be completing a reflection assignment that addresses this historic time, and discuss the effects of COVID-19 on you, our country, and the world.
- Step 1: Open up the task sheet: What in the World Assignment
- Step 2: Make a copy, title it "Your first name Last name - What in the World"
- Step 3: Share it with me (elhoskins@educbe.ca) and 902 also share it with Ms. Scott (tjscott@educbe.ca)
- Step 4: Begin working on the task. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. If you would like a graphic organizer to help you plan, check here: What in the World Organizers
Good luck! If you have any questions, please email me!
****Take a look at the Grade 9 blog home page for a quick Grade 9 yearbook activity!
This yearbook activity is not mandatory but is due to Ms Robillard if you want to put an entry
in to the yearbook.***
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Hello from HDC! We miss you guys. Hope that all is going well at home.
I know that you worked hard on your Immigration final projects at home this weekend. While we sadly cannot have our gallery walks, I would still love to get a chance to see and assess your creations! If you can, please take photos and/or videos of your project, and share them on Google Drive:
- elhoskins@educbe.ca
- tjscott@educbe.ca (902 only)
If you believe that a verbal explanation would benefit your project, please also feel free to include a short video of you discussing your work.
If sharing photos/videos is not possible for you at this time, please let me know, and we can try to figure out another option for me to access your project.
Take care, be safe, and stay calm. As Nenshi said, we will get through this with clean hands, clear heads, and open hearts. Feel free to shoot me an email if you need anything 💌
Friday, March 12, 2020
Yesterday you had a double period to work on your Immigration Final Project.
Immigration Final Project
Today you also had a double period to work on your project. Your project is due on Monday - we will have our gallery walk to view the projects.
We had no HUM today, so you will get a double period on Monday, and then your project is due on TUESDAY - we will have our gallery walk to view the projects.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Today we created an immigrant profile, and then launched our Immigration final project. You will have 4 periods of HUM to work on this, and then it is due next week for our gallery walk (902 - Monday, 905 - Tuesday). Make sure you are using your time wisely.
You need to come to class tomorrow with a decided plan for what type of project you will be doing.
905 - Your political cartoons are due tomorrow. 902, yours were due today, so get those into us ASAP if you have not already.
Immigration Final Project
Immigrant Profile:
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Today you delivered your 1 minute speech. I really really impressed with the majority of you! Thank you for working hard on those. Anyone that did not present today will need to come to my room at lunch tomorrow to present to me.
Once we all were done with speeches, we began work on some immigration political cartoons.
905- you need to complete ONE cartoon analysis for homework.
Monday, March 9, 2020
You will be giving a one-minute speech tomorrow (Tuesday). Here is the assignment and planner:
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
Steps for your speech:
1. Open up link and make a copy of the planner: Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Title it, "Your name Refugee Speech" and share it with me (elhoskins@educbe.ca) and (902 only) also Ms. Scott (tjscott@educbe.ca)
3. Choose your position - pro/con
4. Research - find credible sources to use as evidence (e.g. NOT Buzzfeed)
5. Plan your speech
6. Write your script
7. Time yourself - how long is your speech? Read it out loud and time yourself.
8. Practice, practice, practice!
We also kept working on The Arrival. We watched a video on Mahmoud's story and answered some questions. Mahmoud's Story
Friday, March 6, 2020
902: Link to the practice PAT: 2012 Practice ELA PAT
Once you are done: Congrats on being done your first practice PAT! For the rest of HUM today, you will be starting to research the history of Syrian refugees in Canada, in preparation for a 1 minute speech you will be giving next week. You will get one more period to research on Monday, and then you will present your speech on Tuesday.
1. Open the following link, make a copy, and title it, "Your name Refugee Speech"
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Begin researching (using the links provided) and fill in the pros/cons chart
3. If you finish completing your chart, then begin planning out your speech. You must choose your position (pro/con) and then develop two arguments to support it. There is an organizer provided to help you plan.
Good luck!
Thursday, March 5, 2020
905: Link to the practice PAT: 2012 Practice ELA PAT
Once you are done: Congrats on being done your first practice PAT! For the rest of HUM today, you will be starting to research the history of Syrian refugees in Canada, in preparation for a 1 minute speech you will be giving next week. You will get one more period to research on Monday, and then you will present your speech on Tuesday.
1. Open the following link, make a copy, and title it, "Your name Refugee Speech"
Refugee Pros/Cons Speech
2. Begin researching (using the links provided) and fill in the pros/cons chart
3. If you finish completing your chart, then begin planning out your speech. You must choose your position (pro/con) and then develop two arguments to support it. There is an organizer provided to help you plan.
Good luck!
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Today we finished up the Global News video and then filled in most of the booklet. We will finish our reflection tomorrow. Global News Interview Task
We then went over the PNI chart for The Arrival.
Today we went over the Global News booklet, and I took in your response paragraph. You then had one period to write your emotional response paragraph for The Arrival. This paragraph is due tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet (see notes below). We then watched part of an interview with some Calgarian community leaders about their thoughts on immigration in our city. Global News Interview Task
905- This booklet is due tomorrow.
902- We will finish this tomorrow
Monday, March 2, 2020
Today you worked on the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet. These are due tomorrow.
Immigration Booklet
We then finished our PNI chart and "read" Part 3 of The Arrival. You should have started your emotional response paragraph planning. You may choose an image from the beginning of the book - end of Part 3. We will continue this tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival - Part 3 (YouTube)
In The Arrival, we analyzed some images from the book, and then you "read" through Chapter 2 of the book with a partner and worked on a PNI chart (Positive-Negative-Interesting). We will go over this tomorrow.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival - Part 2 (YouTube)
You then worked on the Part 3 questions in your Immigration booklet. These are due tomorrow.
Immigration Booklet
Friday, Feb. 28, 2020
902 - I didn't see you today :(
905 - Today we had the assembly, and then played the point system game! How many of you made it into Canada?
Point System Game
No homework this weekend - focus on studying for Math (905 only). Have a great weekend!
Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 2 questions in our Immigration booklet (on the Singh Decision) - see notes below. We then had an AWESOME poetry slam! Well done! I really enjoyed hearing your masterpieces.
We worked on the Part 2 questions and then went over them in class - see answers below.
IMPORTANT- Tomorrow, we have another assembly, so go to homeroom in Period 1 tomorrow. We will take attendance and then go down to the gym. You will have Period 3 and 4 as usual (it is a Day 1).
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020
Today we did a 10 Minute Write about Pink Shirt Day, and then worked on the Part 2 questions (on the Singh Decision) in our Immigration booklet. These questions are due tomorrow - we will go over them in class.
Immigration Booklet
We then worked on a visual-inspired poem using nouns, verbs, and adverbs. We shall have a poetry slam tomorrow, so come prepared to present your masterpiece! The pictures to use for this poetry assignment are in your Arrival booklet.
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival Powerpoint
Today we did a 10 Minute Write about Pink Shirt Day, and then we continued on in our Arrival unit. We analyzed some images from the book, and then you read through Chapter 2 of the book with a partner and worked on a PNI chart (Positive-Negative-Interesting). We will finish discussing this tomorrow, but here are the notes so far:
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020
Today we went over the answers for the Part 1 questions in our Immigration booklet. You need to fill these in if you were away.
905, we also had a poetry slam for our Arrival poems. We have some great writers in our class!
902, we lost a period to the amazing presentation yesterday. We will write our Arrival poems tomorrow!
Monday, Feb. 24, 2020
Today you had a period to work on the textbook questions in your Immigration booklet (#'s 1-15). These are due tomorrow, so finish them up for homework if you didn't finish today.
Immigration Booklet
We also started The Arrival graphic novel study today. We did some inferencing practice.
905 only: We wrote some imagery-inspired poetry. We will have a poetry slam tomorrow to share our poems. Looking forward to hearing your masterpieces!
The Arrival Booklet
The Arrival Intro Video
The Arrival Powerpoint
Friday, Feb. 21, 2020
902 - I didn't see you today :(
905 - We worked on some textbook questions in your Immigration booklet. We'll continue this on Monday.
Hope you all had fun at Buddy Reading. Have a good weekend!
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020
Today we had a discussion about our immigration stories. We have some many different countries in our backgrounds! We then took notes on the history of immigration in Canada (we just reached the slide about the Point System, which we will learn more about on Monday).
History of Immigration Organizer
Immigration Booklet
History of Immigration Powerpoint
902 - Today we banded together to survive the Great Table Catastrophe of 02/20/2020. Let us never forget this day, a day that bonded us together forever.
Tomorrow we have a homeroom period to work on our space in Period 1. You will then have Period 2 like normal, and then we have Buddy Reading, so bring your winter gear for walking!
Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2020
Today we began our Immigration unit! Woohoo! We started with a 10 Min Write, then watched some videos and a took brief notes in our new booklets (oooo).
Immigration Booklet
Intro to Immigration Powerpoint
Canada's 150 Years of Immigration (YouTube)
Immigration, World Poverty, and Gum Balls (YouTube)
Most Shocking Second a Day (YouTube)
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020
Welcome back! Today you wrote your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test. Hopefully it went well. If you did not write it yet, please come chat with me about when you will make it up (if you haven't already).
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2020
I hope you all enjoy your extra-long weekend! When you return, you will be writing your Charter & Collective Rights (Ch. 3 and 4) Unit Test on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Chapter 3+4 Study Guide
If you would like to start thinking about APA Formatting for your lab report, check out the links below. I will be teaching this to you after the break, so if you don't understand it or are confused, don't panic! This is just for those that want a head start on citations.
APA Formatting Video (YouTube)
How to use APA Formatting (Handout)
Citation Machine Website
Monday, Feb. 10, 2020
Today we reviewed Collective Rights and you received your study guide for the unit test. We will do a Kahoot to review tomorrow.
Ch 4 Booklet Answer Key
Chapter 3+4 Study Guide
Today we learned about Francophone language rights and Metis Collective Rights. We do not have HUM tomorrow, so you need to be studying at home! We also did a mini Kahoot (mini-hoot) in the last few minutes of class.
Collective Rights Mini-hoot
You also got a handout on how to use APA formatting: How to APA Format (Handout)
902 and 905: Your Chapter 3 & 4 (Charter & Collective Rights) Unit Test will be next Tuesday, Feb. 18. It is 47 multiple-choice questions. You will have both periods to write the test. It is an expectation that you are studying over your extra long weekend. You were given a study guide today!
Friday, Feb. 7, 2020
Today we learned about Collective Rights, specifically for the First Nations/Inuit peoples of Canada. If you were absent, you will be given the notes on Monday. This weekend for homework, please complete the Pre-1970's and Post 1970's Rights chart in your Charter Rights booklet.
Here are the videos we watched today.
No HUM for you all today! :(
For homework: Make sure you finish your Ch. 4 booklet (the NEW booklet, to be clear) so that we can go over it on Monday. Remember that it's a short week next week!
Chapter 4 Booklet
You can use the textbook, or also these websites for help:
Good Website for Collective Rights
Website on Alberta Treaties
Also, congratulations again to Finn for his first successful week of Attendance of Awesomeness! He shall receive his prize on Monday!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Thursday, February 6, 2020
School Wide Writing Prompt: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UUnMrLPhppkAM5ktF5JwJBrSeKERzPyiNZh4i-VZ1gk/edit?usp=sharing
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
**Tomorrow is our second School-wide Write. You will be writing for both HUM periods on a secret topic. Come prepared with your music, water, and/or snacks, and come ready to write!**
Today we introduced Collective Rights. You also analyzed a poem! Tomorrow we will be doing the second school wide write! On Friday we will enter back into Collective Rights!
You (started) working on a question booklet on Collective Rights: Chapter 4 Booklet
You can use the textbook, or also these websites for help:
Good Website for Collective Rights
Website on Alberta Treaties
Due to the fumble by the sub, this booklet will be due on Monday :)
Reminder that your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test will be on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Today I was away on the AARCS Service Trip!
You worked on a Chapter 4 (Collective Rights) booklet for both periods today. This booklet will be due on Thursday.
Chapter 4 Booklet
Today we did the last debate! Great job teams!
We also looked at 4 historical examples that went against the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Notes below: Order of notes: Japanese Canadians, Women's Right to Vote, Italian Canadians, Ukrainian Canadians. Click on picture to enlarge.
Homework: If you did not finish these notes, please copy them down in the "Jigsaw" chart in your Canadian Charter booklet. Have this completed for tomorrow.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Welcome to semester 2!
902: Today we debated! Great job everyone, it was great to see you excel at this task! We will have the final debate group go tomorrow. We will also continue with the Jigsaw work tomorrow.
If you are on the field trip tomorrow, it is your responsibility to finish the 4 jigsaw charts for Wednesday.
Case Studies Jigsaw Videos
-Japanese Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8TQTuMqM9g
-Canadian Women and the Right to Vote: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIyn6m1B_jY
-Ukrainian Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jL1c_WcUihQ
-Italian Canadian Internment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uQfAKvjRc4
905: Today we had our debates! You guys rocked it! Thanks for working so hard on those! We will finish up the last two on Wednesday.
I will not be here tomorrow, so you will be working on a Chapter 4 (Collective Rights booklet). Please be good for my sub!
Collective Rights (Ch 4) Booklet
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Thank you to you all so much for your beautiful card and singing! You made my day! Thanks to Ms. Scott for helping organize, and for bringing in the goodies.
Today you had a bit more time to prepare your debates, and we also were interrupted by the Churchill presentation. Be sure to be ready to debate on MONDAY!!
Today you worked on case studies in jigsaw groups.
Both 902 and 905:
Debates will be happening beginning of class on Monday, so make sure your team is prepared.
Your Charter & Collective Rights Unit Test has been moved to Tuesday, February 18 (your first day back after Convention Break). This gives you more time to study, but also means that you need to be reviewing throughout the break so that you don't forget things!
AARCS trip people - your forms are due MONDAY if you did not bring them to me yet. We will have a meeting on Monday during the second half of lunch in my room.
Have a great long weekend! See you Monday!
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Today you had a double period to work on debates. Debates will be taking place on Monday - be prepared!
Debate Topics
Debate Research Organizer
Debate Order of Events Planner
1. Decide who will be which speaker
2. Brainstorm your three arguments
3. Find evidence to prove your points
a. Remember to also think about the other side’s arguments – how will you defend?
4. Plan out your presentation – which argument will you present first?
a. Use your organizers in your booklet!
5. Write a script for each team member
6. Practice!
We started Debates today! You took some notes on the structure of debate, and then got into your groups and began researching. We will be continuing it this week.
Debate Powerpoint
Debate Topics
You continued researching your topics today. Our debates will take place Monday and Tuesday, so make sure your team is prepared!
Debate Topics
Monday, January 27, 2020
Today we worked on your Film Review for V for Vendetta. You should've finished your planner. Your recorded review (video or audio) is due tomorrow, and should be uploaded onto IRIS.
Example of Film Review (YouTube)
V for Vendetta Review Planner
We started Debates today! You took some notes on the structure of debate, and then got into your groups and began researching. We will be continuing it this week.
Debate Powerpoint
Friday, January 24, 2020
902 ONLY Today we worked on your Film Review for V for Vendetta. You should've finished your planner. Your recorded review (video or audio) is due on Monday, and should be uploaded onto IRIS.
Example of Film Review (YouTube)
V for Vendetta Review Planner
905 ONLY
We did not have HUM today. You should make sure that your motif analysis sheet is done by Monday, as we will be using it for our final film task.
Starting today, Ms. MacDonald will be opening up a brief window for the possibility of complementary course change requests for Semester 2.
Ms. MacDonald will only be able to accept your request if:
1. If there's room in the class
2. The class is a good fit for you & you are a good fit for the class; and
3. If she can do a direct swap of students (someone has to LEAVE the class you want to enter)
Additional info:
-The window for requests will be open Friday-Wednesday (Jan 29) end of day. Forms will be in the office starting Friday morning
-If you don't hear from Ms. MacDonald, it means she is unable to make the switch happen for you
-She will call down students if she is able to meet your request or if she wants to discuss your request further with you
You should NOT be filling in course change requests during class time. You can pick it up at lunch or after/before school.
Hope you had fun at Buddies today! Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Today we learned about Mise-en-scnee, and practiced analyzing these elements by watching a clip from the movie, "Baby Driver." We discussed the four mise-en-scene elements.
Symbols, Motifs, Theme, and Mise-en-Scene (Powerpoint)
We then read an article about Charter in the workplace - sexualized dress codes for females in the restaurant industry. We will be doing debates about this topic next week!
Sexualized Dress Codes (Article)
Tomorrow is Buddies!! Make sure you dress appropriately! If I don't have your Charter book, you must have it ready for tomorrow! Don't disappoint your little buddy!
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
CHARTER BOOKS WERE DUE TODAY! We need to mark them before you take them to Buddies on Friday!
902: Today we learned about Symbolism, Motif and Theme and how these three concepts connect. We took some notes and then you worked on identifying symbols and motifs/themes in V for Vendetta. Tomorrow we will learn about Mise-en-Scene and then you will be handing in your V for Vendetta analysis work. Tonight for homework, finish the symbols and motif charts.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Today you did a "10 Minute" write and filled out the Charter responsibilities chart. I took this in for a quick mark. We then reviewed the Powerpoint on symbolism and motif from last Friday and took some new notes on Mise-en-Scene. You need to catch up on the notes and fill out your motif analysis sheet for homework if you were away on Friday. This is due tomorrow.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Today we gave you your high school recommendations. Hopefully there weren't any big surprises. YOUR HIGH SCHOOL COURSE SELECTION SHEETS ARE DUE NEXT TUESDAY, JAN. 28. Fill out your options, get it signed, and please return them on time!
Monday, Jan. 20, 2020
Welcome back! I hope you had a good weekend.
Service Hours were due on Friday. I allowed anyone that was away on Friday to hand theirs in to me today, but that is the only extension. As of today at 3:30pm, if I don't have your sheet, you will receive a 1 for this semester.
Today you worked on your Charter Children's Book. Here is the list of things you should have done for tomorrow:
- Charter Eye Spy
- Rights and Freedoms bullet-point list (from textbook)
- Simplified Rights and Freedoms
- Rough draft of your Charter book
Your Charter Book should have:
- A title page and back page made with construction paper (so that it's "hardcover")
- Introduction (What is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
- Fundamental Freedoms page (with simplified info and images)
- Democratic Rights page (with simplified info and images)
- Mobility Rights page (with simplified info and images)
- Legal Rights page (with simplified info and images)
- Equality Rights page (with simplified info and images)
We will be taking these books to Buddies on Friday, so you need to have it done by then!
902 - We gave you your high school recommendations today, with your course registration form. Please fill out this form and get it signed by your adults. The forms are due back next Tuesday, Jan. 28.
Friday, Jan. 17, 2020
Service Hours were due today. If you do not have your 5 hours complete, and your sheet handed into me, you will be receiving a 1 for this semester.
Yesterday all Churchill people went on your tour. I hope it was helpful! You all should be thinking about which options you want to take next year - high school recommendations and course registration will be taking place next week!
Today I only saw 905 (missed you, 902). We took notes on Symbols, Motifs, and Theme. You must analyze at least one motif for homework. People that were away today, you have a lot to catch up on. We will continue this on Monday.
Symbols, Motifs, and Theme (Powerpoint)
Conventional Symbols Sheet
Motif Analysis Sheet
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020
Today we finished watching V for Vendetta, and started discussing the repeated symbols that we've noticed. We will continue this next week.
Churchill-designated students: You need to be at school at 8:00am tomorrow morning; meet in your first period classroom. We will be leaving the school at 8:15am to go to Churchill for your tour.
Thirsk/Bowness/Other students: If you are NOT going on the Churchill trip tomorrow, you will be working on your Charter booklet in the Learning Commons while we are away. Here is what you should work on:
-"Eye Spy" activity (you will need to get a copy of the Charter from a supervising teacher)
Eye Spy Activity
-"Your Individual Rights Under the Charter" activity (you will need a textbook - pg. 97 and 98)
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020
Today we started watching V for Vendetta! We will finish it tomorrow. You should be completing your repeated symbols sheet as you watch.
V for Vendetta (Movie)
Repeated Symbols Viewing Sheet
Tomorrow is the Thirsk trip. Make sure you bring your form in if you have not already!
Monday, Jan. 13, 2020
Churchill gave a presentation to you all today. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
If you have not returned your high school trip form yet, you need to do so ASAP:
Thirsk High School Tour is this Wednesday.
Churchill High School Tour is this Thursday.
Bowness High School Tour is next Tuesday.
Today we started watching V for Vendetta. We will continue watching tomorrow.
Today we started with a 10 minute write, since we'll be watching the movie tomorrow.
We went over a Powerpoint on the Canadian Charter. You then did an "eye spy" activity to find the different rights and freedoms in the document.
Intro to Charter Powerpoint
Tomorrow we are watching V for Vendetta, so if we don't have your permission form yet, you need to bring that in! You will not be watching without that form.
Friday, Jan. 10, 2020
Please bring in your high school trip forms and your V for Vendetta permission forms.
Today we had a Bowness presentation during Period 3. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
905, we talked more about the UN and started learning about the Canadian Charter today. The notes are in your Charter booklet.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Video)
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Intro to Charter Powerpoint
Have a good weekend!
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020
Today we had a double period to work on the cell phone "one pager" assignment. The good copy of this is due on Monday, Jan. 13.
Also due, please hand in your signed "V for Vendetta" permission form and your High School tour permission slip.
Service hours are due Friday, Jan. 17.
Wednesday, January 8th, 2020
Today you had a presentation by Robert Thirsk High School. I hope that it was informative. Here are the notes: High School Presentation Notes
In HUM, we discussed the Iran bombings of the American military bases that took place last night. I enjoyed our discussion! I encourage you to go home and talk about it with your adults, and maybe watch Trump and Trudeau's responses on YouTube.
Here's the MadTV sketch that we watched as well. Isn't it interesting that it's still relevant? The iRack (YouTube)
We also worked on our Teen Cell Phones one-pager. You will get one more period to work on it tomorrow, and then this will be due on Friday.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Welcome back! I hope everyone had an amazing Winter Break! Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2020?
Today we completed a 10 minute write about Human Rights. We also listened to the story, "Harrison Bergeron" in order to start further thinking about Human Rights and equality. Here it is if you'd like to listen to it again: "Harrison Bergeron" (YouTube)
We also discussed some of the Human Rights that we have in today's world.
Tomorrow we will further enter in to our new ELA and Social Units.
Homework: Service Hour Sheets are due on Friday, January 17. This is the absolute last day to submit your form.
Homework: If you have not handed in parts of your literature circles unit, please hand in by tomorrow as we are now marking them.
Homework: Write down the high school information dates (see blog home page). Ensure that you can make it to the open houses that you need to attend.
Wednesday, December 18th, 2019
Today, after long last, our Lit Circles finally came to a close. All groups presented about their books, and we should have all booklets, character sketches, and refections handed in by now.
Tomorrow is absolute last day that any late/not handed in assignments from our Justice or Lit Circles units will be accepted for marking. Our units officially end tomorrow, and we will be marking over the break, so nothing will be accepted in the new year.
Tomorrow is also our class potluck, Secret Santa gift exchange, AND our class performance in the School Showcase. It should be a very busy but fun day!
Please DO NOT FORGET to bring:
-Your gift for the gift exchange (if you are participating)
-Your contribution to the pot luck
-Your props/costumes for the class performance
See you tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today was your LAST DAY to work on your Lit Circles work and presentations. All groups will be presenting tomorrow. Come prepared. Here's what will be collected:
1. The entire booklet (filled in)
- (5 while reading tasks)
- 1 personal response (1-2 paragraphs long)
- Character Sketch (1 sketch/group member)
2. Group presentation
1. A summary of the situation/crime in the book.
2. In-depth analysis of the main character. Use your character sketch series as a part of your presentation.
POTLUCK and SECRET SANTA is happening on Thursday morning! Make sure you bring your snacks and your gift!
Monday, December 16, 2019
902: ***Remember - we have secret santa and our potluck on Thursday morning. If you chose to participate please bring your gift and food on or before Thursday!
Today we had a double period to work on literature circles. Tomorrow is the FINAL day to complete all that needs to be done before Wednesday's presentation. Here is what needs to be done by Wednesday, December 18:
1. The entire booklet needs to be filled in:
- (5 while reading tasks)
- 1 personal response (1-2 paragraphs long)
- Character Sketch (1 sketch/group member)
2. On Wednesday, Dec. 18 your group will be presenting your book to the class. Details for what goes in the presentation are in your booklet. But, just in case, here they are again!
1. A summary of the situation/crime in the book.
2. In-depth analysis of the main character. Use your character sketch series as a part of your presentation.
Thursday, December 12
Today we did a Mock Trial! Congratulations on finishing up the Justice Unit! We wrote the unit exam yesterday and are now done. Tomorrow and next week we will be finishing up the Literature Circles. Here is what needs to be done by Wednesday, December 18:
1. The entire booklet needs to be filled in:
- (5 while reading tasks)
- 1 personal response (1-2 paragraphs long)
- Character Sketch (1 sketch/group member)
2. On Wednesday, Dec. 18 your group will be presenting your book to the class. Details for what goes in the presentation are in your booklet. But, just in case, here they are again!
1. A summary of the situation/crime in the book.
2. In-depth analysis of the main character. Use your character sketch series as a
part of your presentation.
Tuesday, December 10th, 2019
Today we did a Kahoot to review for your Justice Unit Test tomorrow. See study resources in yesterday's post. Here is the Kahoot if you'd like to play it again at home: Justice Kahoot
We also changed the presentation dates for your Lit Circles next week - this gives all groups a two day extension. You're welcome! All groups will now be presenting next Wednesday, Dec. 18.
All your Lit Circles work will be due that day:
-Booklet with all tasks complete
-Character Sketch
-Reflection paragraphs
Monday, December 9th, 2019
REMINDER of Important Upcoming Dates:
-THIS Wednesday, Dec. 11: Justice Unit Test
-Friday, Dec. 13: Lit Circles due
-Mon-Wed (Dec. 16-18): Lit Circle presentations
Today your YCJA Case Study assignment was due. I need this printed out and handed into me. If I do not get yours today, it is now late and you have until Wednesday at the beginning of class to hand it into me.
In class today you were given a period to study and review for your Justice Unit Test on Wednesday. I hope you used your time wisely. Tomorrow we will be doing a Kahoot to review a bit more.
List of topics and terms your should know: Justice Terms and Topics
Review Question Booklet to fill in:
Review Booklet Answer Key (to check your answers):
YCJA video:
Aboriginal Sentencing Circle:
Advocacy Groups
John Howard Society
Elizabeth Fry Society
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Today we worked on Literature Circles, and also our YCJA Case Study Writing Assignment. This writing assignment is due on MONDAY. It must be printed out and shared with me please.
YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
Your Justice Unit Test is next Wednesday (Dec. 11), so you should be studying all weekend. See the links from Tuesday's post to help you study.
I will be away tomorrow, so please be good for my sub! See you Monday.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Upcoming Dates:
-Wednesday, Dec. 11: Justice Unit Test
-Friday, Dec. 13: Lit Circles due
-Mon-Wed (Dec. 16-18): Lit Circle presentations
Today we started our YCJA Case Study: YCJA Case Study Assignment
We will be working on this for the rest of the week, and it will due on Monday.
Today you were given half a period to finish up your political cartoon analysis. Your political cartoons are due TOMORROW.
We then started annotating the Point of View practice in your Justice booklet. We will finish this tomorrow.
The Justice Unit exam will be on Wednesday, Dec. 11. See study resources below:
Question booklet to fill in:
YCJA video:
Aboriginal Sentencing Circle:
Advocacy Groups
John Howard Society
Elizabeth Fry Society
Happy December!
905: CONGRATS ON WINNING THE FLOOR HOCKEY FINALS! YOU GUYS DID GREAT! Thanks to everyone that came to cheer on our players!
In HUM, we put our portfolios in the new portfolio box (yay!) and then had Lit Circles. We then went over a Point of View practice. Here are the annotating notes. I will post the answers to the questions tomorrow once 902 has done them :)
902: Today we did some political cartoon practice, and then did our Lit Circles. Your political cartoons are due on Wednesday. You will get half a period tomorrow.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sorry that I am away today!
905: Today you will be collecting information about Juries, Advocacy Groups, and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. You have a page in your Justice booklet to fill in using the sources below. This should be done by tomorrow.
- Videos
- Readings
Advocacy Groups
- Videos
John Howard Society
- Vidoes
- Readings
Elizabeth Fry Society
- Videos
- Readings
Aboriginal Sentencing Circles
- Videos
- Readings
See you tomorrow!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
902: Today we had a presentation from Jeff from the Calgary Youth Office of Corrections (CYOC)
We also reviewed Juries, Advocacy Groups and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. If you didn't finish the notes, please ensure you get the notes page filled in using the videos and notes as posted to yesterday's blog.
905: Today we did some Math to catch up on the period you used for the CYOC presentation. We then had time to work on your Lit Circles.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
ELA: Today you wrote a reflection on your School-Wide Write.
Social: We began discussing Juries and Advocacy Groups in preparation for our guest speaker tomorrow. We will do stations to collect more information on this tomorrow.
ELA: Today we completed a 10 minute write on your most dramatic moment and a few of you shared. Thanks for the very entertaining stories! We then had a few minutes to work on our novel study.
Social: Today we learned about the role of the public in Justice. We worked on a round of stations and collected information about Juries, Advocacy Groups and Aboriginal Sentencing Circles. If you were away today please use the videos and note links below to gather information in your Justice booklet.
Videos for Stations:
Advocacy Groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI_nscKT-tg
John Howard Society:
Elizabeth Fry Society:
Aboriginal Sentencing Circles:
Written Sources for Stations:
Juries: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/just/12.html
John Howard Society: https://www.cjhs.ca/about/
Elizabeth Fry Society: https://elizabethfrycalgary.ca/about-us/who-we-help/
Aboriginal Sentencing Circles: https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/ccs-ajc/04.html
Wednesday, November 20th
905 - I didn't see you for HUM today, but your three political cartoons are due on Tuesday.
902 - Today you completed a reflection on our School-Wide Write that you did yesterday. We then gave back your short stories (finally) and added them to our portfolios. You then did Lit Circles for the rest of the class.
VIVO is on Monday, so make sure you come prepared with all your gear! If you have not handed in your forms yet, please bring them during interviews or EARLY Monday morning!
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Tuesday, November 19th
Today you wrote your first School-Wide Write! Thank you all so much for working so hard of that. It's not an easy task, but you all did great! The HDC teachers look forward to marking those this Friday!
902 - Tomorrow we will be doing a reflection on today's write, and then working on your lit circles. We will also be doing a check-in near the end of class to see where your group is at.
905 - Tomorrow we do not have HUM, but I will still see you in CRT!
Remember that it's a half-day tomorrow, and no school Thursday or Friday.
Monday, November 18, 2019
902: Today we went over the flow chart for the Justice System and
what happens when a youth breaks the law (see notes below).
We also worked on our novel studies.
905: We started with Lit Circles. Remembered that you need to record three meetings by Dec. 13.
We then reviewed elements of Political Cartoons and then worked on the cartoons in our booklet.
Homework: These three cartoons will be for homework - due on Tuesday (after your long weekend
and VIVO on Monday)
Reminder that tomorrow will be the School Wide Write! Be ready to write tomorrow on a provided prompt.
Friday, November 15th
902 - No HUM for you today ;(
905 - Today we did a 10 minute write, and then filled out our Justice flow chat.
Then we did Lit Circles in the second period.
Your Justice Annotation was due TODAY! I should have everyone's Justice booklets.
You will get them back on Monday.
NO HOMEWORK! Have a good weekend :)
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Today we worked on literature circles. You should now be done at least 1 group meeting and be reading/working on the second task for your novel.
We also worked on the YCJA annotation for one full period. You will be handing in your Justice booklet tomorrow to have the annotation marked.
Justice annotation due TOMORROW!
Wednesday, November 13th 2019
Today we worked on annotating an article about the YCJA. We did the intro part together,
and then you had the rest of the period to work on it. You will get one more period to work on
it tomorrow, and then it's due on Friday.
Our second period we spent in Lit Circles.
We will be rescheduling for sometime in December.
Tuesday, November 12th 2019
Welcome back! I hope you all had a great long weekend, and took a moment to remember yesterday on November 11th.
Today we spent one period going over a comparison of the YCJA and our Criminal Code of Canada. Please fill in your notes if you weren't here today or didn't finish. We then watched a video on the YCJA and did a 10-minute write.
We ended with our Lit Circles - please take notes of the no-HUM days below, and plan accordingly with your group.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Today we had current events! If you have not yet presented please let Ms. Hoskins and
Ms. Scott know so we can adjust for this.
After current events, we spent a period doing our literature circle work. At this point you should
be well into reading your book and then working on your first task. Your first group meeting should
be occurring NO LATER than Thursday, Nov. 14.
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019
Social Studies:
902: Today we did a 10-minute write about our justice process (using the vocab from yesterday)
905: Today we went over the Justice vocab terms Justice Vocab
Here are the links to the audios we have available for some of the novels for our Justice Lit Circles:
Touching Spirit Bear: TSB Audio (YouTube)
The Hate U Give: Hate U Give Audio (YouTube)
Dear Martin: On YouTube (not the greatest, but better than nothing)
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Language Arts: Today we set up our novel study groups.
Social Studies: Today we went over the definitions and attitudinal survey. Reminder: Current Events on Thursday!
902 Current Events | ||||||
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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AR (absent last week)
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Monday, November 4, 2019
Social Studies: Today we continued to look at introductory tasks for the Justice Unit. In your justice booklet you completed the vocabulary chart and the attitudinal survey (pages 3 and 4 of the booklet). If you didn't finish this in class, you must finish it tonight for homework.
Language Arts: Today we introduced our new novel study! Today you got to choose and sign out your new book. Tomorrow we will learn about the work that will go along with this book and we will start reading!
Wednesday, Oct. 30 2019
Today your Gattaca paragraphs were DUE.
905 - We had double Current Events today. We will not have HUM tomorrow due to the Halloween festivities.
Tomorrow is HALLOWEEN! Can't wait to see all your costumes!
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2019
Today was our editing day for our GATTACA paragraphs.
Thank you to those that came prepared with your paragraphs complete and ready for feedback.
We will not accept it past this date. You have had a huge amount of class time to complete this.
You need to hand in:
-Two paragraphs
-Planning booklet
-Peer editing sheet
-Self-editing sheet
-Any rough copies you have
902 - Double current events this week on THURSDAY! Week 4 and 5 people are presenting THIS THURSDAY!
905 - Double current events this week on WEDNESDAY! Week 4 and 5 people are presenting TOMORROW!!!
902 Current Events | ||||||
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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AR (absent last week)
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Monday, Oct. 28, 2019
Today we wrote our paragraphs about GATTACA. Tomorrow we will be editing these paragraphs. Please ensure
that both are printed out and ready for editing tomorrow. Fully edited paragraphs will be due on Wednesday.
902 - Double current events this week on THURSDAY! Week 4 and 5 people are presenting THIS THURSDAY!
905 - Double current events this week on WEDNESDAY! Week 4 and 5 people are presenting WEDNESDAY!!
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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AR (absent last week)
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Thursday, October 24 2019
Today we started Gattaca! Here's our schedule:
-Thursday (today): Watching movie
-Friday: Finish movie, start research, and work on planner.
-Monday: Planner due; Writing two paragraphs
-Tuesday: Editing Paragraphs
-Wednesday: 2 Paragraphs DUE
902 - We will finish the movie tomorrow, discuss it a bit,
and then give you time to research for your paragraphs.
905 - We had an awesome discussion today, and then you received your PEECC planners
and began planning. You will get research time in Math/Science tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Tomorrow we will be starting our Gattaca "project." We will be watching the movie and then starting research to support your answers to the two questions below. You should mull over your ideas tonight before you watch the movie tomorrow.
Gattaca Questions:
You must complete the following question in ONE PEECC paragraph:
- The technology to manipulate DNA in the way portrayed in the movie GATTACA is now available. Write a paragraph describing whether or not you think that the technology portrayed in the movie should be used the way it was in the movie. Do you think scientists should manipulate the DNA so parents can choose their children’s traits? Why or why not?
You must complete ONE of the following questions in ONE PEECC paragraph:
- Should scientists be able to choose any/all the traits or only those that may lengthen the life of a child? Who should make this decision?
OR - Should there be laws to enforce when and how genetic engineering should be used?
** You will be handing in TWO (2) PEECC paragraphs**
Tuesday, October 22nd
Today we had a discussion about High School. We will be talking a lot more about this moving forward, but please let us know if you have any questions right now. High School Info Powerpoint
We also discussed the Federal Election and Student Vote results!
Tomorrow is your Government Unit Test! Use the resources below to review.
It will be on everything you have learned so far this year (besides the Short Story Unit).
50 questions multiple choice
Here is the structure of the exam:
- levels of government
- structure of the FEDERAL government
- responsibilities of the Federal government
- political parties (Big 5, spectrum)
- electoral process
- bill to law
- media / lobbying
Study Resources
Current Events has also been postponed until next week (we will have a double presentation on Wednesday) in order to give us time to begin our mini Gattaca assignment. We will talk more about this tomorrow.
Monday, Oct. 21, 2019
Today we finished annotating the article on Proportional Representation.
We then learned about Media and Lobbyists. You also voted as a part of Student Vote!
Homework: The Government Unit Exam is on Wednesday, October 23. You received a study
guide last week and there are further resources below. This test will be 50 multiple choice
Current events will be this Thursday (905) and Friday (902):
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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AR (absent last week)
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Today LATE ROOM launched with the Grade 9's. We are raising our expectations and will be implementing late room in order to motivate you to come to class on time, come prepared, and hand in your assignments.
Friday, October 18th
I hope you all enjoyed your first round of Buddies today!
905 - we learned about Majority/Minority governments, as well as Proportional Representation.
Homework: Your political party research and your annotation of the
Proportional Rep article is due on Monday.
You also should be studying for your Government unit test on Wednesday (see
resources below).
Also, if you'd like to take a survey that will tell you which party you most align with, try it
here (you may be surprised with the results): https://votecompass.cbc.ca/canada/
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 17th
We learned about Majority/Minority governments today: Majority vs Minority Gov Powerpoint
You also worked on annotating a short article on Proportional Representation.
Homework: This annotation is due on Monday.
Your Government Unit Test is on Wednesday (Oct. 23).
It will be on everything you have learned so far this year (besides the Short Story Unit).
50 questions multiple choice
Here is the structure of the exam:
- levels of government
- structure of the FEDERAL government
- responsibilities of the Federal government
- political parties (Big 5, spectrum)
- electoral process
- bill to law
- media / lobbying
Study Resources
Your political party research is due on Monday (in preparation for the STUDENT VOTE!).
Links to Use for Research:
Beatrice's Link: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2019/party-platforms/
Beatrice's Link: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2019/party-platforms/
Wednesday, October 16th
Today we learned about Canada's electoral system - First Past the Post.
We did a mock election to help us understand how it works.
Use this for your research on political parties (if you'd like a digital version).
This is due on MONDAY.
Links to Use for Research:
Beatrice's Link: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2019/party-platforms/
Beatrice's Link: https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/elections/federal/2019/party-platforms/
Tuesday, October 15th
Thursday, October 10th 2019
Today we had Current Events, and then learned about Bill --> Law
Homework: Your short stories are due on Tuesday. I only need them shared with me (and also Ms. Scott, for 902). Besides that, no homework!
I hope you all have a great long weekend! If you celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 9th 2019
Current Events TOMORROW! If it is your turn to present please be ready at the start of class!
Today you had both periods to write you short story. This is the only class time you will have,
but it is due on Tuesday.
1. Open Short Story Template
2. Make a copy.
3. Title it "Your Full Name Story"
4. Share it with me (elhoskins@educbe.ca) (tjscott@educbe.ca)
5. Fill in your chosen theme at the top (where it is highlighted)
6. Make sure you fill in a title either now or once you're done writing.
If you need further help in order to write your story, use the following organizer and checklist.
Check list:
Good luck!
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2019
Today we watched some highlights of the Federal Debate.
Federal Debate (Video)
We then planned our short stories. Tomorrow we will be writing a short story about a chosen
theme. Tonight, your homework is to finish the PLAN for your short story using either a plot
diagram and/or a pacing diagram. Tomorrow come in ready to write your story.
Plot Diagram
Pacing Diagram
Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Resolution
Theme Options (Choose ONE)
Today we reviewed how to format dialogue in short stories, and also did review on theme.
Dialogue Powerpoint
Dialogue Worksheet
Theme Video
Theme Station Sheet
Theme Station Stories
Homework: Dialogue Worksheet and 2 Theme Stations due tomorrow (Tuesday)
Your Federal Government representation is also due tomorrow.
Those that are going to SAIT tomorrow - have fun! It's an awesome trip. You are expected to be checking the blog to check what you have missed and catch up by the time you return.
Friday, October 4th 2019
I have KINDLY changed the due date of your concept map until Tuesday, in order for you to focus on studying for your Math test on Monday.
If you are making a concept map, here's a handy website: https://bubbl.us
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 3rd 2019
Today was current events day! After current events you got to work on your Federal Government concept map!
902 - I won't see you tomorrow, so have a great weekend!
905 - I DO see you tomorrow, and you will get more time to work on your Federal Gov. representation/concept map.
1. This concept map is due on Monday, Oct. 7. Remember, you are meant to represent the federal government in some type of map - either literal or symbolic. Assignment sheets for this project are found below.
2. Week 2 current event people, you are up next week! Be prepared to present on Thursday, Oct. 10.
Week 2
October 10
Week 3
October 17
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019
The government research organizer below needs to be completed by tomorrow.
If you did not finish in class, please complete it this evening as tomorrow we are starting the project to go with this research.
We started researching today, and you will have one more period tomorrow to
finish up finding the information. We also did our character sketch today and finished our
character sketches. No homework except to prepare for Current Events if you are presenting tomorrow!
Current Events is tomorrow!
902 presenters are: RL, NG, LB, WF, ME.
905 presenters are: A.M., I.L., M.K. G.E., M.S. K.D.
Please be prepared
for your presentation!
Here is your research organizer for our Federal Government task:
Task Sheet
Federal Government Research Organizer
Research Resources:
Federal Government Powerpoint
Federal Government Map
Monday, Sept. 30, 2019
TOMORROW IS PICTURE DAY! Dress to impress 📷😁
902 and 905: Today we finished learning about the three levels of government and we highlited
your sorting sheet. It is your homework to finish highliting your sorting sheet if you did not finish it in class.
902: In our second period we learned about Characterization. For homework tonight, please finish
the physical description of your character.
We took notes on:
- External Characterization
- Internal Characterization
- Direct Characterization
- Indirect Characterization
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2019
Today we introduced Current Events and you signed up for your presentations days.
See the groups below.
Current Events Booklet/Planner
Current Events Rubric
Next week we are going to dive into our look at the Federal Government.
We will also continue with short stories,
characterization and dialogue practice!
Week 1: October 3
Week 2
October 10
Week 3
October 17
Week 4
October 24
Week 5
October 31
Week 6
November 7
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Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Today we wrote the Spectrum quiz and completed the analysis of our CARS tests.
In period 2 we reviewed plot diagrams in preparation for our upcoming Story Writing unit.
Here is the video link for "Zero" and a picture of our plot diagram.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
QUIZ TOMORROW (for 902 and 905)! You need to know:
-the 3C's
-More/less government
-The 4 Isms
Notes from today:
I will not be here tomorrow, so please be good for Ms. Scott! Good luck on your quiz.
Monday, Sept. 23, 2019
Today we reviewed the four "isms". We will finish up the last one (Fascism) tomorrow. See notes below.
On Wednesday you will have a quiz. You will need to know how to label the political spectrum.
You also need to understand the characteristics of the 4 "isms" and the pros and cons of each.
- Communism
- Socialism
- Conservativism
- Fascism
Today we worked on annotating 4 scenarios.
We did the first one together, and the other three are for homework if you did not finish in class.
Today we worked on annotating 4 scenarios.
We did the first one together, and the other three are for homework if you did not finish in class.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
You must come up with THREE Pros and THREE cons for each "ism".
You will have a quiz on this information on WEDNESDAY.
Today we started with a current event discussion about Justin Trudeau.
Here is the link:
Justin Trudeau: Past Mistakes?
We then did a review of the spectrum and moving left or right.
Here are our notes:
Tuesday, September 17th, 2019
Today you had BOTH periods to work on your paragraph.
This paragraph is due Thursday - I encourage you to find an editing buddy outside of class to
proofread your work.
PEECC Organizer
Monday, September 16th 2019
Your PEECC paragraph plan is due tomorrow.....NOT the good copy. Just the plan.
PEECC Organizer
Today we reviewed the spectrum, and PEECC paragraph writing.
Here are our notes from the spectrum discussion:
Friday September 13, 2019
902 only:
Today we completed a reading comprehension test, and then you were given
a current event to annotate and discuss. This sheet is for homework.
Dodgeball: Yes or No?
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Today we reviewed how to write a paragraph,
and learned how to upgrade our Grade 8 PEC paragraphs into Grade 9 PEECC paragraphs.
Here are the notes:
We will be writing a paragraph next week so please make sure you bring this booklet on Monday!
Wednesday September 11, 2019
The Lord of the Flies summary is due tomorrow. Please pep it up tonight.
* Please ask your adults where they were on September 11th.
We want to hear tomorrow.
ELA: Yesterday we watched The Lord of the Flies.
Today you were asked to summarize the film in whatever way you would like
(pictures, words, paragraph, etc)
Here are some helpful links:
The Lord of the Flies
Summary Organizer
We took notes today on the "Three C's".
Here are the notes:
Tuesday, September 10th 2019
Yesterday we did a fun desert island scenario where you had to design the government
you would create if you crash-landed on an island! It was very interesting to hear about all
your different scenarios.
Today we watched the movie, Lord of the Flies. Tomorrow we'll be following up and
discussing the movie, so reflect on what you watched today.
Today you also had a presentation by our school nurse about the Grade 9 Vaccinations coming up.
You were given an info package for your adults to sign, so hopefully those make it home.
Also, a friendly reminder that your Service Hours have officially begun! You will need to find 5 hours
of volunteering around the school during each semester. Check out the job posting board outside of my
Have a great night!
Friday, September 6th 2019
Today I only saw 905 (hope you had a great day, 902!).
We worked on Creed for one more period; this project is due on Monday.
Link to the Creed task: Creed
We then discussed Maslow's hierarchy of needs in preparation for Lord of the Flies
and our government unit. Here are the notes:
I gave you your Lord of the Flies permission forms.
Please discuss with your adults and get your form signed and returned by Monday
if you would like to watch the film next week.
Have a wonderful weekend! Congratulations on being done your first week.
I'll see you all on Monday :)
Welcome to Grade 9 HUM! Can't wait for the awesome year ahead : )
We have started the first assignment of the year, "Creed".
Here is a link to the task: Creed
You can represent this in a number of different ways...be creative! : )
This task is due on Monday!